United States of America

Institute for Aging Research study finds Boston's elderly homeless sicker than others

A striking portrait of the health of Boston's elderly homeless population is emerging from a new study by the Institute for Aging Research of Hebrew SeniorLife, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School.

Is Aging in Place a Resource for or Risk to Life Satisfaction?

Given age-related health restrictions, the importance of the environment for life satisfaction may increase in later life.

Aging in Place in Israel

Aging in place means that people continue to live in their own homes in their community and in their natural environment, for as long as they are able and interested in doing so. There are two aims, which underlie the approach supporting and encouraging aging in place.

Elder Cohousing A new option for retirement - or sooner!

Across the US, senior cohousing is turning into an increasingly popular option for baby boomers and older adults. This article examines the phenomenon.

Ending Homelessness among Older Adults and Elders through Permanent Supportive Housing

The combination of issues typically associated with homelessness such as mental health and substance abuse with those related to aging such as reduced mobility and a need for assistance with daily activities is requiring that elder housing and services providers develop creative solutions.

Older Homeless Adults: Can We Do More?

The average age of individuals in the US experiencing homelessness is rising. Between the early 1990s and 2003, the proportion of homeless adults aged 50 and older increased from 11% to nearly one-third. This trend continues. Homelessness is associated with poor access to health care and high rates of Emergency Department visits and inpatient hospitalizations, and high rates of early mortality.

Demographics of Homelessness Series: The Rising Elderly Population

There is some troubling evidence that homelessness in the US is beginning to increase among elderly adults.

The New Homelessness Revisited

The ‘new homelessness’ has drawn sustained attention from scholars over the past three decades. Definitional inconsistencies and data limitations rendered early work during this period largely speculative in nature. Thanks to conceptual, theoretical, and methodological progress, however, the research literature now provides a fuller understanding of homelessness.

Strategies to Meet the Housing Needs of Older Adults

Many adults, as they age and their abilities change, find that shortcomings in their homes and communities can limit where they are able to live. Some of these limitations are related to features of the housing stock itself, while others are rooted in community characteristics that do not accommodate an aging population.

The Village: A Growing Option for Aging in Place – 2010

The Village offers an option for meeting the needs of the growing older population by making it possible for people to stay in their communities and “age in place.” Neighborhood residents create villages to help coordinate and deliver services and supports within their communities. This consumer-driven and person-centered approach can help delay or even prevent the need for institutional care.
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