United States of America

Growing Older in Cities: Addressing the Twin Challenges of Ageing and Urbanization

Two trends are certain: populations around the world are ageing rapidly and we are experiencing the largest wave of urban growth in history. Health is central to our experience of older age. The quest for best health will be won or lost in our cities. Cities and communities directly affect health, through barriers or incentives that affect opportunities, decisions and behaviour.

3 Innovative Senior Housing Projects That Hold Lessons For Nonprofits

Nonprofit senior living providers have historically driven innovation in the field of aged care in the US.

This is how boomers are reinventing retirement living

Today’s target market for senior housing in the US comprises a large and influential demographic. The number of households with people age 80 and over jumped 71% from 4.4 million in 1990 to 7.5 million in 2016.

Age-Forward Cities for 2030

A massive shift is taking place in the makeup of the world population, and societies are already struggling to cope. By 2030, more people worldwide will be over the age of 60 than under 10. Cities are ground zero for the demographic shift—eight in 10 US residents 65 and older already live in metropolitan areas.

The Aging Homeless Population: Our Elders Are Our Responsibility

The percentage of older homeless adults in the US is growing at an alarming rate.

Transforming housing for a growing aging, homeless population

Between 2017 and 2019, homelessness in Alameda County, California, soared 43%; while homelessness across all Bay Area counties increased nearly 30%. As part of a commitment to address affordable housing, Bay Area Community Services and Kaiser Permanente announced an innovative breakthrough partnership that will house 515 aging, homeless individuals in Oakland, California.

Housing America's Older Adults

Households headed by someone 50 or over represent 55 percent of all the nation’s households. • Over the past several years, the most significant growth in older households came from baby boomers aged 65- 74.

Here's why so many seniors are joining the tiny-house movement

Discussion and case studies of older women in the US opting to join the tiny house movement as they age.

Green Retirement Communities Are Sprouting

In the US, interest in environmental sustainability is increasing. That’s why some forward-thinking retirement communities are offering residents everything from greener buildings to energy-efficient lighting to community gardens. And some towns are putting a focus on walkability.

Ageing in the margins: expectations of and struggles for ‘a good place to grow old’ among low-income older Minnesotans

What constitutes a ‘good place to grow old’? This US study aimed to characterize salient features of built and social environments that are essential to support low-income ageing residents.
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