United States of America

Planning and an Aging Population

Planning for all age groups is an inviolable principle; in practice, however, planners have been unduly preoccupied with certain age groups. Like the post-war housing boom, the approach to community development and planning has been child- or family-centered.

Communities and Old Age: Opportunities and Challenges for People over 50

Being part of an intentional community in old age is a way to challenge the isolation and social exclusion that many older people experience in our youth-oriented western societies. This article discusses a variety of intentional community models from a female perspective.

US Seniors Housing Statistics & Facts

By 2050, it is estimated that over a fifth of the population in the United States will be 65 years or older, compared to only 15.2 percent today. With a rapidly aging population, it is imperative that we start planning now for how we will house and care for the senior population in the future. Statista has compiled statistics on the housing the ageing population of the US.

Age-Integrated Communities: Aging in Place

Shifting demographics and changing housing and neighborhood preferences are transforming the real estate market in America. Generally, older adults are rejecting sprawl and demanding more compact, mixed-use, interesting, walkable, and vibrant communities. Many older Americans also want smaller, less expensive homes that are accessible to people and neighborhood amenities: they more strongly value
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