Older Men

Patterns of Shelter Use Among Men New to Homelessness in Later Life: Duration of Stay and Psychosocial Factors Related to Departure

Few researchers have focused on the trends and typologies of older people who find themselves homeless for the first time in late life. Yet, adults facing homelessness for a first time in older age are reported to have different experiences and service needs than those who are aging in situations of chronic homelessness.

On the Edge: the Financial Situation of Older Renters in the Private Rental Market in Sydney

In this study, based mainly on 17 in‐depth interviews, I explore the financial implications of being an older private renter in Sydney. I illustrate that there are three key factors which determine their degree of financial stress – the actual rent being paid; the degree of support from family members and whether the older renter is living in a single or couple household.

The New Social Housing Concept in Czech Republic 2015-2025

In October 2015, the Czech Parliament approved the “Social Housing Concept of Czech Republic 2015 – 2025”. This Concept is a document identifying the most significant issues in social housing in Czech Republic and defining the measures that have to be implemented in the next 10 years to achieve the goals set in the field of social housing.

Rethinking the Care Needs of Older Homeless People

Our research project, “Homelessness in Late life: Growing Old on the Streets, in Shelters, and Long-term Care” explores the challenges older homelessness brings for aging societies as a whole and for service providers working in housing, shelter and long-term care. It involves a critical policy analysis; qualitative interviews with service providers and older homeless people; and participant obse

Skid Row, Yokohama: Homelessness and Welfare in Japan

Following the bursting of the bubble economy in Japan at the beginning of the 1990s, demand for casual labor slumped. By the end of the decade, there were so few jobs left that most men had given up the struggle.

Down and out in upscale Japan

A newly released government survey found that Tokyo's homeless population has reached an all-time low. But critics call the survey incomplete and misleading, and yet another effort to look past a population that is contending with growing economic disparity, Homelessness was a problem that was largely unknown until the economic bubble burst in the early 1990s and unemployment rose sharply.

Affordable housing is a problem for older Australians, too

Seniors are often overlooked in discussions of housing affordability. This may be because there is a perception that they have bought, and paid off, their homes. However, housing availability and affordability present significant difficulties for many older people. Contrary to popular belief, many older people are not home owners or choose (or can afford) to live in retirement villages.

Sheltering Homeless Seniors Literature Review

The papers that make up the literature review are a combination of published research, grey literature, and government documents. Qualitative and quantitative research papers were included. Service provider input was a mixture of both perspectives. The readings arc across a broad range of learning around homeless seniors and their challenges.

Homelessness, Ageing and Dying

There is a lack of definitive information about the exact number of people who are homeless and the nature of the homelessness at any one point in Ireland.

Meeting the Housing and Care Needs of Older Homeless Adults: A Permanent Supportive Housing Program Targeting Homeless Elders

The homeless population is aging faster than the general population in the United States. As this vulnerable population continues to age, addressing complex care and housing needs will become increasingly important.
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