Social Housing

Why secure and affordable housing is an increasing worry for age pensioners

The average housing costs of older (65-plus) outright homeowners in lone-person households were A$38 a week in 2013-14, the Australian Bureau of Statistics calculated, compared to $103 for older social housing tenants and $232 for older private renters. Fortunately, over the last several decades almost all Australians who depend on the age pension for their income have been outright homeowners, a

Ways Out of Homelessness in Central Europe

While there have been several European projects and exchanges of know-how and good practice in the field of housing, representatives of the partner organizations of this project felt the need for focusing exclusively on local solutions from the region.

The experiments providing homes around the world

While housing is a national crisis, the most pressing concerns differ from area to area. The lack of affordable homes being built every year is a huge issue. The current crisis isn’t just about a lack of political will to invest in social housing.

Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand's planning system influences market outcomes

This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand. It will then consider how the recently introduced Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015, through its recognition of the importance of affordable housing supply,

The Social Housing Ageing & Disability Crisis

Allied to the UK's rapidly ageing population and the rising number of people developing dementia, the need to provide safe social housing for those who are older and/or disabled is becoming increasingly urgent and intense. A major piece of recent research by the Smith Institute forecasts that by 2034 there will be 170,000 more residents with mobility problems living in housing association pr

Seniors Housing - Issues Identification Paper

This issues paper considers the housing experiences of seniors in Auckland, with a focus on vulnerable groups (asset poor renters and owner‐occupiers in a financially vulnerable situation). Community and Social Policy have identified housing issues facing seniors to be an emerging policy area for investigation. Auckland’s population is growing, and becoming older.

Home to Stay: Creating Quality Supportive Housing for Aging Tenants

Very little is known about the homeless aging population, referred to as the “invisible population” and even less is known about those aging in place within supportive housing and older/elderly adults in institutions who, if provided with long-term supportive services, would be able to return to the community.

A brief history of housing for older people

An interesting summary of housing options for the elderly in Europe and the UK, from Hospitals, Almshouses and Colleges to our current Retirement Villages.

Are housing associations ready for an ageing population?

The continuous growth in the number of older people in the UK will dramatically change how society will look and how it will function. This demographic shift is one of the main talking points of public debate and presents a considerable challenge for government and policymakers.

Falling Through the Cracks: Exploring the Subsidized Housing Needs of Low-Income Preseniors From the Perspectives of Housing Providers

Low-income preseniors represent a vulnerable, often overlooked population facing multiple challenges related to finding and sustaining employment, limited financial resources, mental and physical health challenges, mobility issues, and ineligibility for pensions and benefits for seniors.
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