
Housing Stress Increases for Social Housing Renters

Housing stress has increased considerably among renters of social housing, new research shows, renewing calls from the social sector for more affordable housing and a national housing strategy. The latest Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey released on Tuesday said renters were particularly prone to both financial stress and housing stress. “Over the HILDA survey pe

Aging and on the streets

In the US, as housing costs rise and baby boomers age, growing numbers of the homeless are older. Between 2007 and 2014, there was a 20 percent increase nationwide in individuals over 50 living on the streets. They now make up more than one-third of the homeless in the United States. Portland — long struggling to decrease its large and visible homeless population — also has seen a recent jump.

Demoralising and humiliating: More older Australians falling into homelessness

The number of Australia's private renters aged 65+ who are in housing stress, defined as paying more than 30% on rent, has jumped by 42% in the last five years.

Rental stress: Shock as Hobart becomes Australia's least affordable city

Hobart has leapfrogged Sydney to become Australia’s least affordable city according to new figures, as city renters continue to struggle. The latest Rental Affordability Index (RAI) shows that Hobart has overtaken Sydney to become the least affordable capital city, followed by Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra and Perth.

Women over 55 years now the fastest growing homeless people in Australia

The problems of homelessness are largely systemic and cannot be solved by community goodness alone. The Housing All Australians strategy shows how the private sector, working with the community sector, can provide immediate short-term shelter in buildings that are vacant pending planning & development process.

The Growing Senior Population in Japan's Metropolitan Areas: Challenges for Japan, Hints for the World

Across Japan, the population is rapidly aging. An increase is expected in the number of households with a senior living alone or with the head of the household being aged 65 or older. These groups are expected to rise from about 30% of all households in 2015 to about 35% in 2025.

Build-to-rent: a potential solution to Australia's housing problem

“We are heading for a lose-lose scenario unless we supply the basic fundamental need of shelter for all, rich and poor,” says Robert Pradolin, a civil engineer and registered builder with a graduate diploma in property and an MBA. He is using his industry expertise to cobble together creative coalitions between big business and the charitable sector to quickly provide short-term housing in Melbou

Majority of female homeowners fearful they couldn't handle small interest rate rise, survey finds

More than two-thirds of female homeowners with a mortgage feel they would be in hot water if their repayments increased by just $100 a month, new data shows. Of all homeowners, it was women who felt most vulnerable to the possibility of an interest rate rise, with 67 per cent admitting they didn’t think they could afford a hike of more than $23 a week.

Older single SA women facing homelessness and housing stress

Single women aged over 60 are becoming increasingly vulnerable to housing stress and insecurity and while the factors leading to homelessness are often complex, consistent trends have been emerging with this group in our community.

Elder Cohousing: The Epitome of Aging in Community

Intentional communities of elders who choose to not just live in close proximity, but also to share meals and keep a close eye on each other, have seen an upsurge in the past decade in the United States. These communities differ from other types of retirement communities because they are planned and managed by residents, and purposefully designed to promote social contact.
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