Journal Article

Rural Cooperative Housing for Older Adults: An Emerging Challenge for Extension Educators

As the American population continues to age, identifying alternative housing options for older Americans, particularly those who wish to remain in rural communities, will pose a challenge to families and community leaders. This article presents findings of a survey of residents of seven rural housing cooperatives oriented toward serving older residents.

Living on the Edge: Women, Poverty and Homelessness in Canada

Women's homelessness is often "invisible" as women rely on their domestic and sexual roles as a strategy to avoid shelters, such as taking up temporary residences in short-term sexual relationships.

Housing Elderly People in Japan

The problem of providing housing for the aging society of Japan is and has been a key issue. Since the speed of aging is so rapid, Japan is facing a serious problem of having to provide buildings and dwelling units that will be suitable for use by elderly persons in a very short time.

Personal coping strategies of the elderly in housing emergencies

Client files of a city emergency service agency were randomly sampled to examine the post-emergency experience of different types of elderly clients. More than half of the emergencies were housing related. Interviews with these clients six months to three years later reveal a high rate of continuing need, institutionalization, and death.
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