Wiley Online Library
The meaning of home for ageing women living alone: An evolutionary concept analysis
The concept of home to women ageing should be visited in the light of ongoing cultural, political, temporal and disciplinary evolutions. In part, to complement policies increasing focus on supporting older adults to age in place and a growing attention on the home as a place where healthcare is designed and provided.
Living Alone in Later Life: A Global Perspective
The prevalence of living alone during later life varies widely throughout the world. This living arrangement, more widespread among women than men aged over 65, is one of the most visible characteristics of societal aging currently underway.
Understanding the Essence of Home: Older People’s Experience of Home in Australia
This qualitative inquiry explores the experiences of community-living older people in Australia living in their home environment.
Participants in this study stated that they were interested in the capacity of the house to support their many and varied occupations, particularly their ability to care for others.
What makes a community age-friendly: A review of international literature
The building and maintenance of an age-friendly environment is widely regarded as a core component of a positive approach to addressing the challenge of population ageing.
This paper reviews the literature on age-friendly communities published since 2005.
A Comparative Study of Homelessness in the United Kingdom and Japan
This article describes homelessness in Japan, based on a survey of rough sleepers conducted in Nagoya with some additional demographic data collected in Osaka, and compares it to the situation in the United Kingdom, as documented in a survey of rough sleepers throughout England.