Homelessness Australia
Homeless increase no surprise; homelessness is not a Federal priority
2016 Census shows 13.7% increase in homelessness; 2-in-5 homeless under 25; spike in older people homeless; rough sleeping & severe overcrowding.
Amongst the trends, Homelessness Australia is concerned about:
27.7% increase in homelessness among people aged 55+
39% of the homeless population is under 25 years of age
Women’s homelessness rose faster than population
8,200 Australians ro
Homelessness and Older People
According to the ABS, 14,851 people aged 55+ were experiencing
homelessness on Census night 2011. People aged 55+ consist of
only 7% of clients accessing specialist homelessness services in 2014– 15. This is partly due to the service system design but also indicates that is a lack of beds for older Australians within the homelessness service system.
Ending and Preventing Older Women's Experience of Homelessness in Australia
Older, single women are increasingly vulnerable to housing stress, insecurity and homelessness.