Pathways out of homelessness
Tiny House Villages in Seattle: An Efficient Response to Our Homelessness Crisis
An article describing the success of Tiny House Villages in Seattle, which has led the country in piloting this response to the homelessness crisis. There are now 10 tiny house villages located throughout Seattle on government, private, nonprofit, and church-owned properties.
The Seniors Housing Gateway - A safety net for older people at risk of homelessness
Australia needs to urgently address the rapidly increasing problem facing large numbers of older people, the majority women, at risk of homelessness.
Being Homeless and Becoming Housed: The Interplay of Fateful Moments and Social Support in Neo-liberal Context
This paper presents a qualitative analysis of stories of adults who
transitioned from being absolutely homeless to becoming housed. Participants’ stories are particularly salient for what they reveal about this transition in the midst of other challenges including substance use, criminalization, and violence, and within a neoliberal social policy context.
Ways Out of Homelessness in Central Europe
While there have been several European projects and exchanges of know-how and good practice in the field of housing, representatives of the partner organizations of this project felt the need for focusing exclusively on local solutions from the region.
Entries and Exits from Homelessness: A dynamic analysis of the relationship between structural conditions and individual characteristics
This report examines the relationship between structural factors, individual characteristics and homelessness. Our interest in the interaction of structural conditions and individual characteristics gives rise to two secondary research questions.
Older Women's Pathways out of Homelessness in Australia
This study examines pathways out of homelessness for older women in Australia. It seeks to understand the range of possible responses and program models that would assist in addressing their homelessness. It explicitly intends to inform the service sector.
Innovative housing solutions for an ageing population - a case study
Common Ground Tasmania is about providing people with the support they need to recover from the trauma of homelessness, to exit an endless cycle of homelessness and crisis accommodation, to stay housed and to rebuild their lives.
Four key features of the Common Ground supportive housing model:
- Permanent, affordable accommodation with design features adding value to the surrounding community
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Ending Homelessness among Older Adults and Elders through Permanent Supportive Housing
Ending Homelessness among Older Adults and Elders through Permanent Supportive Housing Policy Paper Prepared for The National Convening on Ending Elder Homelessness
Homelessness and Homeless Policies in Europe: Lessons from Research
This overview of research on homelessness in the EU draws largely on the work undertaken by the European Observatory on Homelessness since its formation in 1991, supplemented by secondary literature from other sources.
There is considerable evidence on homelessness in Europe but our knowledge remains very uneven with a lack of data and understanding on some aspects of homelessness.
Routes out of Poverty and Isolation for Older Homeless People : Possible Models from Poland and the UK
Routes out of homelessness are frequently identified as requiring shifts in lifestyles and networks.
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