
The spring edition of Older Tenants Voice is bursting with updates about HAAGs services and advocacy, the many events happening during Seniors Month, and much much more

Read the Spring Older Tenants Voice

The Victorian Government’s Housing Statement fails to take the steps necessary to address the housing crisis facing more than 180,000 older Victorians and contains too little investment in public housing, according to Housing for the Aged Action Group.

The Federal Government has released a discussion paper for the 10-year National Housing and Homelessness Plan, to be released in 2024. We have been calling for a national plan for many years, and see this as a good opportunity to achieve change. Submissions don’t have to be lengthy documents - simply describing your experiences and views will make a worthy submission. We’ve also prepared a guide to help write your submission, and respond to the key points for discussion.

Read our submission Guide

Residential parks suffer from numerous significant, systemic and overlapping issues, so HAAG proposes a six-pronged strategy to address these issues.

Read the briefing note

Slides and video from the launch of our report into older people’s housing insecurity & homelessness in Australia. 

New research conducted by Housing for the Aged Action Group by researchers at Swinburne University of Technology, Western Sydney University and Curtin University examines the housing circumstances of people aged 55 years and older, based on Census analysis and Homelessness Estimates.

Read the infographic report

Read the summary report

Read the full report

Research made possible by funding from the Wicking Trust.

A business case outlining how a gap  gap in housing services for older people can be filled by establishing a service providing specialist housing information and support.

Read the business case

Read the powerpoint presentation

HAAG welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Inquiry into the Rental and Housing Affordability Crisis in Victoria. This submission is based on our experience delivering housing and related support services to older people, research and lived experiences of older people experiencing housing stress or homelessness in Australia. We especially acknowledge the contributions to this submission made by members of HAAG’s advisory groups including Retirement Accommodation Action Group (RAAG), LGBTQIA+ reference group and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) reference group.

Read the submission

We all need secure and affordable housing to be safe and healthy as we age. That’s why we provide support for older people experiencing housing insecurity or homelessness, advice for people in Retirement Housing, connect older people with Aged Care, and advocate for older people’s housing. Download our brochure about all the services we provide

Get ready for the Winter edition of Older Tenants Voice, covering HAAGs many events and projects across all forms of older peoples housing

Read Older Tenants Voice

A fixed rental price must be advertised at the time a property is put up for rent. This advertised rate would act as a ceiling. Older people are already struggling to find affordable housing in an extremely competitive housing market. They are unlikely to be able to bid higher on properties on a limited income.

Read our submission

The Victorian Government’s efforts to address homelessness among older people, particularly women, are welcome, but more needs to be done.

New census data shows that over the last ten years, the housing circumstances for people aged 55 years and older in Victoria have gotten worse. This report is based on original research conducted for Housing for the Aged Action Group by researchers at Swinburne University of Technology, Western Sydney University and Curtin University.

Read the report

The rate of JobSeeker needs to be increased for all recipients, not just some. While we welcome the Federal Government’s acknowledgement of the ageism that places additional pressure on older workers, leaving under 55s languishing well below the poverty line is not the way forward.

HAAG welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality. This submission is based on our experience delivering housing and related support services to older women, research and lived experiences of older women experiencing housing stress or homelessness in Australia. We especially acknowledge the contributions to this submission made by members of HAAG’s advisory groups including National Alliance for Seniors Housing (NASH), Retirement Accommodation Action Group (RAAG), LGBTQIA+ reference group, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) reference group and NSW Lived Experience Advocacy Group (LEAG).

Read the Submission

Its a bumper edition of Older Tenants Voice, with lots of member events, news, opinions, and opportunities to get involved.

Read the latest edition of Older Tenants Voice

Seven New South Wales independent candidates and MPs are calling on the incoming state government to address homelessness among older people by introducing a specialist housing support service for older people, lowering the priority age from 80 years, and building more social and affordable housing.


HAAG recommends to increase social housing stock, income support, engagement with communities affected by poverty, to address systemic gender inequality, develop a national agenda for older people and a implement a nationally consistent construction code to make housing accessible and adaptable to climate change.

Read the submission


The number of people older than 55 living in private rentals in Queensland increased by 71% over the past decade, according to new analysis of the 2021 Census released today.
