
As a new Labor government begins, and it gets to work on a new sizeable investment in social housing, it must ensure its housing policy is inclusive of older people, especially older women

This panel on May 13th ahead of the Australian Federal Election brought together independent candidates Zali Steggall, Jo Dyer, Hanabeth Luke, Liz Habermann, Jane Caro, Fenella Edwards and Nicolette Boele to put forward their positions in relation to ending homelessness of older women.

The overwhelming majority of Australians will have social and affordable housing top of mind when they cast their vote at the upcoming federal election, new polling from HAAG shows.

Older renters will be best served by policies brought to the election by the Labor Party and the Greens, according to an analysis of housing policy by HAAG.

There are 405,000 older women at risk of homelessness in Australia. These are stories of four of them. Vanessa, Jo, Robyn and Lynette tell their stories in this powerful video.

All about our Older LGBTI housing services as well as campaigns and working group in one handy brochure

Read the pdf


This zine by HAAG LGBTI reference group member Jo Waite chronicles her life through pictures of some of the many houses she slept in before finally receiving safe and affordable. The zine was originally printed for MPavillion MTalks and published online for Lesbian Visibility Day

PDF icon Read the Zine here


Australia’s housing system is failing people experiencing disadvantage, particularly older people who are falling through the cracks. The existing policy frameworks are inadequately equipped to support people at risk of homelessness and there is a clear need for national leadership through a National Housing Strategy to develop and deliver sustainable solutions that are properly resourced.

PDF icon Read the submission

Our first edition for 2022 is packed with updates from our services, stories from members and clients, along with messages to political candidates ahead of the federal election.

PDF icon Read the Newsletter here

HAAG and Older Womens Network NSW's input into the Draft National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032. We provide recommendations to adress domestic violence, elder abuse and homelessness amongst older women. This submission is endorsed by Domestic Violence NSW (DVNSW).

PDF icon Read the Submission

With a decline in home ownership at retirement age, unprecedented increases in housing prices and a reduction in social and affordable housing stock in Australia, older people are  experiencing significant housing challenges and are at increased risk of homelessness. Older women are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Australia.

This document outlines the urgent policy reforms that are required by the Federal Government.

PDF icon Read our policy demands for the 2022 Federal Election


HAAG supports an explicit objective in the regulatory system to protect and safeguard the interests of current, prospective and future tenants. We note that there is tension between the practical application of putting “tenants in the centre” in the broader context of a housing policy direction focussed on transfer of stock and redevelopment of public housing. While this independent review of social housing regulation is occurring, Homes Victoria is simultaneously relocating existing public housing tenants from their homes under the public housing renewal program. Those tenants are not “at the centre” of this decision, and the practical aim of applying this approach is questionable in a context where tenants feel powerless in the face of the decisions made by government to move them out of their communities and into an uncertain future.

PDF icon Read the submission here

Based on widespread consultation with older people and the community sector , the Ageing on the Edge Forum has developed policy recommendations that are critical to addressing the needs of older people facing housing stress and homelessness in NSW.

PDF icon Read the Pre Budget Submission

Our summer newsletter celebrates our many recent events, achievements and awards received. We take a look at who the new corporation "Homes Victoria" really are, talk about how HAAG is gearing up for our federal election campaign, introduce a new cryptic crossword column, and of course review the latest movies about older people and housing.

PDF icon Read the newsletter here

Housing is critically important for physical and mental health, and general wellbeing of older people. With a decline in home ownership at retirement age, unprecedented increases in housing prices and a reduction in social and affordable housing stock in NSW, older people are experiencing significant housing challenges and are at increased risk of homelessness.

We are calling on the NSW Government to fund aservice to support older people to plan for their housing future and navigate the often-complex housing service system in NSW before they reach crisis point.

PDF icon Read the report here

Watch the launch videos

HAAG engaged accounting firm Ernst & Young to provide a cost benefit analysis of the Home at Last Service (HAL). The report shows that by connecting older people with safe, stable, long term
housing the HAL delivers $2.4 million in economic value each year. This value is provided through avoided societal costs including premature entry to aged care, crisis housing and health system costs, and improved wellbeing outcomes.

PDF icon Read the Cost Benefit Analysis Report

Our Annual Report reports on the array of services, campaigns and advocacy that make up everything under the banner of 'HAAG'. We've attempted to show how HAAGs strategic pillars of 'Changing Lives', 'Changing the System', 'Honouring our Heritage', and 'Strengthening our Organisation' overlap and help us create a full, wrap around service for all older tenants.

PDF icon Read the Annual Report here

PDF icon HAAG's Audited Financial Statement

405,000 women aged 45 and over are at risk of homelessness in Australia. This is a national issue that is affecting women across the country in metropolitan, regional and rural settings. Multiple changes are required to our housing, retirement, and social services and income support systems to meaningfully address this issue. If we act now, we can reduce future social and economic costs and avoid placing additional pressure on already stretched homelessness and crisis response services.

PDF icon Read our Policy Recommendations

In September 2021, Housing for the Aged Action Group and University of Melbourne hosted an online event, At Risk 2021: Older women facing homelessness in Australia, from awareness to action. This report back from the forum examines the issues raised and outcomes from the event.

PDF icon Read the report

The Federal Government must Incorporate Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, fund targeted measures to increase affordable housing stock earmarked for older people, and incrementally remove Capital Gains Tax and Negative Gearing to create an equitable housing market.

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