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The Impact of Population Ageing on Housing in Scotland

The impact of population ageing both at Scotland and the UK level will be considerable for Scotland’s housing system. A system that currently supports an over 65 population of 856,000 people will have to cope with 1.408 million by 2033.

Potential Benefits of Cohousing for Older People: Literature Review

This review of the literature finds that cohousing communities offer benefits to individuals and to the wider society in a two-way relationship. These benefits are considered here in the context of older people, but they apply equally in various ways to other age groups.

Housing and Health in Older People: Ageing in Place

In this paper we briefly review the demography and housing patterns of older people in New Zealand. We describe the impact of New Zealand’s climate and housing construction on health, before reviewing some significant health problems exacerbated by the indoor environment: respiratory conditions, coronary disease and hypothermia.

Homelessness and Homeless Policies in Europe: Lessons from Research

This overview of research on homelessness in the EU draws largely on the work undertaken by the European Observatory on Homelessness since its formation in 1991, supplemented by secondary literature from other sources. There is considerable evidence on homelessness in Europe but our knowledge remains very uneven with a lack of data and understanding on some aspects of homelessness.

Gender roles and social policy in an ageing society: the case of Japan

Throughout history, the Japanese state has been mainly focused on its industrial and economic growth, leaving little room for the development of social policies. Consequently, the Japanese welfare system has relied on the informal care families provide to their members, especially the elderly.

Impacts of the Aging Canadian Population on Housing and Communities

This presentation seeks to Identify the changes in the pattern of housing needs and preferences for requirements for Canada's rapidly ageing population. It will review the main environmental adaptations or modifications to maximize people’s ability to participate in society.

Housing Transitions: Older People’s changing housing needs

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the findings that relate to older people remaining in, or moving from, their home in later life.

Putting Retirement Housing In Order

There are around 200,000 older people living in the private retirement housing sector. Many residents and their relatives are becoming increasingly concerned about what they see as unreasonable and unjustifiable charges made by some landlords and managing agents. This paper examines the issues around affordability in the private retirement housing sector in the UK.

Self-Managed Co-Housing in France and Germany: Future Prospects in the Context of an Aging Population

Among the various forms of intermediate housing, between residential care and home care, the self-managed group housing of the elderly is still underdeveloped in France.

The Wicking Project outcomes: Supporting older people living with alcohol related brain injury

The Wicking project developed and evaluated a specialized model of residential care to support a group of older people living with alcohol-related brain injury (ARBI) and challenging behavior. The aim of the project was to determine the effectiveness of this model at improving participant life quality and well-being.
