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Ageing Well: A Housing Manifesto

Most people want to age well at home, remaining part of their community and involved with family and friends.

Housing costs force Queensland’s age pensioners into poverty

Queensland couples who rely on the age pension and rent in the private market are at the greatest risk of living in poverty compared to other seniors.

Retirement Homes

Demand for retirement care in the US, including housing, is expected to grow at a fast pace in the coming decades. The probability of needing to rely on living assistance or even long-term full care rises sharply as people age.

Four Challenges to Aging in Place

Within 20 years, one in five Americans—almost 80 million people—will be older than 65 and, surveys indicate, they will want to remain in the current homes for as long as possible.

Older homeless women’s identity negotiation: agency, resistance, and the construction of a valued self

Although men still outnumber women among the US adult homeless population, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women, including older women, seeking shelter each night. The concept of ‘home’ is widely associated with women and serves as a source of identity and social order. Thus, homeless older women represent an intersection of stigma.

Staying Power: Aging in Community and the Village Model

In the US, older adults are remaining in their homes in increasing numbers and are part of a paradigm shift that is transferring healthcare services from a centralized institutional model to a decentralized home-based model. However, a majority of homes older adults reside in lack basic accessibility features and are in predominantly suburban locations that have limited transportation options.

The downsizing cost traps awaiting Australian retirees – here are five reasons to be wary

This article debunks the myth of zero housing costs in retirement. The concept of zero housing costs in retirement is based on a 1940s view of a well-maintained, single dwelling on a single allotment of land where the mortgage has been paid off.

Room to improve. The role of home adaptations in improving later life

This UK report summarises the findings of a systematic review of the best recent scientific evidence on how home adaptations can contribute to improving later lives. The last comprehensive review of the evidence on home adaptations was published in 2007.

Homeless in Tokyo: Fallen through society's cracks and frozen out

In Japan the homeless are ignored, not just by the government but also the public, and this sets off a vicious cycle. It is left to volunteer groups to provide food and essentials to the homeless population of Tokyo. “Twenty million people live below the poverty line within Japan.

Social housing management in Poland in the context of ageing society. European experience and implication for Poland

The ageing of Polish society and the implications of the process for the housing sector is a challenge for social policy, which is responsible for creating an enabling environment to meet the needs of older people.
