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Global Living - Student, Senior Housing & Multifamily Occupier Demands

This report is about demand for living from different generations. We have focused primarily on two: the young and the elderly. They are shaping demand for some of the industry’s fastest growing asset classes. The market is now responding to under-served occupier groups by offering new and hybrid models that challenge conventional asset classes.

The most rapidly growing group of homeless Australians – it’s not who you expect

According to analysis of Census data by the Equality Rights Alliance, between 2011 and 2016 the number of homeless people in Australia rose from more than 102,000 people to more than 116,000. That’s an increase of nearly 14 percent. However, during this same period the number of homeless women over 55 years old increased by 31 percent.

Ageing with Choice: Future directions for seniors housing 2019–2024

The western Australian Government's Ageing with Choice document provides direction over the next five years to improve housing choice and outcomes for older Western Australians. Ageing with Choice recognises that everyone ages differently. Housing needs in older age are driven by changes in health, financial or family circumstances, rather than numerical age.

Women over 55 years now the fastest growing homeless people in Australia

The problems of homelessness are largely systemic and cannot be solved by community goodness alone. The Housing All Australians strategy shows how the private sector, working with the community sector, can provide immediate short-term shelter in buildings that are vacant pending planning & development process.

Intergenerational Programming in Senior Housing: From Promise to Practice

There is a growing interest among senior housing providers in intergenerational programming as a vehicle for connecting residents to the broader community, enhancing well-being for both youth and older adults, reducing ageism, and preparing an aging workforce.

Sometimes It Takes A 'Village' To Help Seniors Stay In Their Homes

Chicago's Englewood Village is an organization that connects low-income older adults on the city's South Side with services from nutrition to job assistance to home repair. It was established to help older people age in place by accessing welfare services and community support.

Number of homeless elderly people surges by 100 per cent in seven years

The number of elderly people becoming homeless in England has surged by 100 per cent in seven years.

What do single, older women want? Their ‘own little space’ (and garden) to call home, for a start

The “great Australian dream” of owning your own home is rapidly proving to be an illusion for many in the early 21st century. In an environment of exceedingly high house prices, groups who don’t have secure, long-term employment are at risk of homelessness, particularly as they age.

Housing policies for the elderly: why should we care?

In aging societies, housing responses for the elderly are of increasing importance. This article analyzes the impact of the place of residence and deals with the problem of housing policies from the perspective of an elderly person. The study suggests that community dwelling elderly have significantly higher quality of life and experience less loneliness.
