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The Homelessness Monitor: England 2018

The homelessness monitor is a longitudinal study providing an independent analysis of the homelessness impacts of recent economic and policy developments in England. It considers both the consequences of the post-2007 economic and housing market recession, and the subsequent recovery, and also the impact of policy changes.

Housing and Ageing: Linking strategy to future delivery for Scotland, Wales and England 2030

Our goal was to create a set of co-designed recommendations for the UK, Scottish and Welsh governments, which would identify specific priorities and recommendations for the housing and ageing agenda – as a driver to get housing ready for the increasing future generations of older people.

'It's a Great Idea for Other People': Cohousing as an option for older Australians

Older Australians face housing challenges including supply, accessibility, affordability, security of tenure and isolation. This article reports on research conducted in the state of New South Wales, Australia into the potential for cohousing to address these challenges.

Position Paper. Older women who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. Melbourne

The recommendations in this Position Paper have been developed based on the evidence summarised in the Background Paper- Older women experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. This Position Paper is aimed at Federal, State and Territory Australian governments.

The Role of Social and Built Environments in Supporting Older Adults´ Social Interaction

The social and built environments at the neighbourhood level have been linked to older adults´ neighbourhood social interaction which, in turn, contributes towards ageing-in-place, wellbeing, and quality of life. Currently, however, there is no clear understanding about the relative strength and nature of these relationships across a diverse range of neighbourhood features.

Ageing in place: challenges and opportunities at the interface between property management and older residents

An important concept within the current social and health policy discussion on healthy ageing is ‘ageing in place’. ‘Ageing in place – challenges and opportunities at the interface between property management and older residents’ seeks to facilitate ageing in place.

Housing America's Older Adults

Households headed by someone 50 or over represent 55 percent of all the nation’s households. • Over the past several years, the most significant growth in older households came from baby boomers aged 65- 74.

Innovative Housing Models for an Ageing Population

This Housing LIN round table session with invited industry leaders was hosted by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, in London over the summer, 2018.

Census reveals a rise in the rate of homelessness in Australia

The rate of homelessness in Australia has increased 4.6 per cent over the last five years, according to new data from the 2016 Census of Population and Housing. People aged between 65 and 74 years experiencing homelessness increased to 27 persons per 10,000 people, up from 25 persons per 10,000 people in 2011.

Silver cities: Planning for an ageing population

The world is ageing, particularly in advanced economies. Over the next 30 years, we will see an extra 15,000 people reaching retirement age in the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries every single day. By 2045 the proportion of the population aged over 65 will rise to 25%, from the current 16%.
