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Retired and renting - the trend isn't comforting

The risk is growing that we will see more and more older people living in housing-related poverty. That is one conclusion of the Stocktake of New Zealand's Housing released this week.

The Adequacy of the Age Pension in Australia: An assessment of pensioner living standards

This Australian report examines the adequacy of the Age Pension both qualitatively, through focus groups and town meetings, and quantitatively, through analysis of social survey data. Methodology included quantitative analysis provided by the HILDA (Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia) survey which included 9,000 households and 25,000 individuals.

The Private Rental Sector in Australia: Public perceptions of quality and affordability

This report examines the national state of the private rental system in Australia. While growing in size, it has also changed in terms of composition.

Octogenarian's tailor-made tiny house offers a retirement home alternative

A look at the option of Tiny House living as an alternative to institutionalised aged care for older people.

Fresh approaches to older people’s housing: Insights from overseas

Concepts like ‘retirement villages’ and ‘nursing homes’ seem increasingly outmoded.

Homeless increase no surprise; homelessness is not a Federal priority

2016 Census shows 13.7% increase in homelessness; 2-in-5 homeless under 25; spike in older people homeless; rough sleeping & severe overcrowding. Amongst the trends, Homelessness Australia is concerned about:  27.7% increase in homelessness among people aged 55+  39% of the homeless population is under 25 years of age  Women’s homelessness rose faster than population  8,200 Australians ro

Seventy and homeless for the first time: the rise of older women's homelessness

While the stereotypical face of poverty is a older man – a lifetime down on his luck, the fastest growing demographic of people experiencing homelessness is single women over the age of 55. While it is clear that women are victim to lifelong structural settings that have undermined their financial security – the state of the housing market is what is pushing so many women from housing stress into

Roadmap provides solutions for older women's homelessness

More can be done to ensure the aged care system meets its responsibility for older women experiencing or at risk of homelessness, according to new research backed by providers in the housing, homelessness and aged care sectors. The research highlights the rapid increase in older women experiencing and at risk of homelessness and found that the implementation of aged care service information, asse

Social Integration of Older Adults in the Periphery of Israel in Two Settlement Types

The study examines which variables are connected to social integration of older people in their living settlement; whether the type of settlement is connected to the social integration of older adults, and, also, what variables function as mediators in the connection between the settlement type and social integration. The findings show that older adults who resided in rural settlements were more
