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Take a walk around the Social Bite village for homeless people

This is the Social Bite Village, in Granton, Edinburgh, the result of a sustained fundraising and awareness drive with the lofty aim of bringing an end to homelessness at the heart of its ethos. The emphasis is on the establishment of a community, with project leaders Social Bite partnering with homeless charity Cyrenians.

The disturbing truth you need to know about women's homelessness

Christine is a recently retired and now homeless mature age woman who has, like so many other retired professional women, little to no prospect of obtaining public or community housing, or being able to afford market price rentals. She is the convenor of the Housing Alternatives self-help action group on Facebook and the creator of the Housing Alternatives web site,

Global Living - Student, Senior Housing & Multifamily Occupier Demands

This report is about demand for living from different generations. We have focused primarily on two: the young and the elderly. They are shaping demand for some of the industry’s fastest growing asset classes. The market is now responding to under-served occupier groups by offering new and hybrid models that challenge conventional asset classes.

Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project

The Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project is a partnership between Housing for the Aged Action Group HAAG) and the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning (CHURP). Funded over five years by The Wicking Trust and with principal project leads Jeff Fiedler (HAAG) and Dr Debbie Faulkner (CHURP), the project is addressing the rapidly increasi

Here's how Finland solved its homelessness problem

The Finns have turned the traditional approach to homelessness on its head. There are a number of reasons as to why someone ends up homeless. Most homelessness policies work on the premise that the homeless person has to sort those problems out first before they can get permanent accommodation.

ALONE call for greater housing options for older people as the Land Development Agency is launched

ALONE, the charity that supports older people to age at home, has welcomed yesterday’s launch of the state-sponsored Land Development Agency (LDA), but is urging that housing options for older people are carefully considered. Following the announcement to create 150,000 new homes over the next 20 years and provide long-term stability in the housing market, ALONE is calling on the LDA to develop a

Women over 55 years now the fastest growing homeless people in Australia

The problems of homelessness are largely systemic and cannot be solved by community goodness alone. The Housing All Australians strategy shows how the private sector, working with the community sector, can provide immediate short-term shelter in buildings that are vacant pending planning & development process.

The most rapidly growing group of homeless Australians – it’s not who you expect

According to analysis of Census data by the Equality Rights Alliance, between 2011 and 2016 the number of homeless people in Australia rose from more than 102,000 people to more than 116,000. That’s an increase of nearly 14 percent. However, during this same period the number of homeless women over 55 years old increased by 31 percent.

Russia's elderly live rough lives, and the state offers almost no help, but officials say everything is about to change

Responding to widespread criticism of the government’s plan to raise the retirement age, Russia’s state-controlled media has been busy telling readers how important it is to live vigorously into old age. In reality, Russia is a particularly hard place to grow old. When judged on life expectancy and mental well-being, Russia falls to 86th place.

Elder Cohousing - Research and Resources

International resources and research on co-housing and the elderly.
