Kath Hulse

Supply shortages and affordability outcomes in the private rental sector: short and longer term trends

This report found there was a shortage of 271 000 affordable and available rental dwellings for very-low-income households in 2011, an increase of 60 000 since 2006.

Changes in the supply of affordable housing in the private rental sector for lower income households, 2006–11

Almost one in four Australian households rent their housing in the private rental sector including many lower income households.

Long-term private rental in a changing Australian private rental sector

This is the Final Report of an Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) funded project which provides a comprehensive account of the characteristics of the contemporary private rental sector (PRS) in Australia, including changes in recent decades.

Secure occupancy in rental housing: conceptual foundations and comparative perspectives

This report is concerned with the nature of housing occupancy for households that rent, particularly low-income and vulnerable households.

At home and in place? The role of housing in social inclusion

This is the Final Report from a project that aims to enhance understanding of aspects of home, housing and place which interact with social and economic disadvantage and the ways in which housing-related policies and programs can promote social inclusion. The project has three broad research questions: 1.

Housing insecurity and precarious living: an Australian exploration

In this report, we focus on one aspect of housing, which we term ‘housing insecurity’, and the way in which this interacts with other types of insecurities to constitute ‘precarious living’.

Housing insecurity and precarious living: an Australian exploration

An emerging body of international research suggests that housing is associated with many aspects of social and economic life, including personal and family wellbeing, mental and physical health, economic participation, social connectedness, community functioning, sustainable cities and social cohesion.
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