Tine Buffel
Ageing in a Gentrifying Neighbourhood: Experiences of Community Change in Later Life
Debates about gentrification continue to occupy a significant part of research investigating social change within urban communities.
A Manifesto for the Age-Friendly Movement: Developing a New Urban Agenda
Developing age-friendly cities and communities has become a
key part of policies aimed at improving the quality of life of older
people in urban areas. The World Health Organization has been
especially important in driving the “age-friendly” agenda, notably
through its global network of age-friendly cities and communities.
Developing Age-Friendly Cities: Case Studies from Brussels and Manchester and Implications for Policy and Practice
Developing age-friendly communities has become a significant dimension in debates in social policy. This chapter aims to provide a comparison of the age-friendly approaches in two European cities , Brussels and Manchester , with a particular focus on policies and initiatives that promote active ageing in an urban context.
Researching age-friendly communities. Stories from older people as co-investigators.
This guide evaluates the participatory dimension of a study that explored the age-friendliness of three wards in the city of Manchester. The purpose of the study was to examine opportunities and constraints for older people living in urban environments with a view to improving their experience of living in the city.
Ageing in urban environments: Developing ‘age-friendly’ cities
This article aims to provide a critical perspective on what has been
termed ‘age-friendly cities’ by shifting the focus from questions such as ‘What is an ideal city for older people?’ to the question of ‘How age friendly are cities?’ This approach might be more suited to deal with the complexities of cities as sites of interlocking and conflicting commercial, social, and political interests.