
Ageing out of place? The impact of gender and location on older Victorians in homelessness: A pilot study.

It is widely acknowledged that Australia has a growing ageing population. The growing housing affordability problem is also widel y recognised. Declining rates of home ownership and a projected increase in older people in private rental are also well documented. The numbers of older people vulnerable to homelessness will increase. This has implications for the homelessness services system.

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research study was designed to explore the issues that relate to private rental and people on a low income using three sources for data collection: • A review of the literature and policy environment surrounding private rental in Australia and Victoria • A collection of quantitative data from service providers and government agencies. • Interviews to explore the experiences of individuals, se

It could be you: Female, Single, Older and Homeless

This report documents a collaborative project which sought to interrogate the experience of older women and the re ection of that experience in policy. The project sought an inclusive homelessness defnition, and to build a more robust knowledge base through which to inform policy and service delivery to this group.
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