
A Plan for Change: Homes for Older Women

This Plan for Change proposes a series of initiatives to help older women to be able to live in homes that are safe, secure and affordable. It has been developed by a group of non-government agencies concerned about the increase in older women’s homelessness.

At the crossroads in retirement: Older people at risk of homelessness

Australia is facing a large increase of older people who do not have housing security. A new report from Housing for the Aged Action Group’s Home at Last service, describes the housing crisis older people are facing every day.

A Home for Life: Towards an older person’s housing strategy

Homes for Life: Towards an older person s housing strategy has been developed by a coalition of non - government organisations concerned about the increasing housing affordability crisis facing our ageing population. This roadmap brings together the key concerns of the major organisations assisting the most vulnerable older people in Victoria.

Neighbourhoods for ageing in place

The provision of support for ageing in place has become an important imperative in the redefinition of health and social care policy. Governments agree that the ability of older people to continue living in their neighbourhoods has economic and social value. Ageing in place policies thus fuel the need for supportive neighbourhoods that accommodate older people’s needs.

The voices of midlife women facing housing insecurity in Victoria, Australia

Single, older women in the State of Victoria, Australia have emerged as a group experiencing housing insecurity and being highly vulnerable to homelessness in their old age. A sizable demographic cohort, it is a group that could overwhelm the existing homelessness service system. One of the most surprising aspects of this trend is their propensity to be tertiary educated.

At Risk of Homelessness: Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

The Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities project has been a ground-breaking initiative that has aimed to, and succeeded in, significantly improving access to affordable housing options for older people from high need CALD communities in Victoria.When Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) and the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV)

Addressing later life homelessness

This report examines older people’s homelessness in Australia. It follows on from the earlier report Homelessness and Older Australians: Scoping the Issues, published in 2011. The research has been funded through the Australian Government’s Homelessness Research Partnership Agreement, administered by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

Housing as a Platform for Improving Outcomes for Older Renters

This paper focuses on low-income older renters and how housing can provide a platform for supporting their independence and well-being.The paper: - provides context for the important role of housing and neighborhoods in supporting independence for older Americans generally and low-income older renters in particular -presents a conceptual framework for the pathways between the housing and servic

Understanding housing and location choices of retiring Australians in the ‘baby boom’ generation

This scoping review provides a brief literature review with the aim of helping build a better understanding of how the choices, constraints, behaviours and expectations of the ‘baby boom’ generation influence their decisions and outcomes regarding housing and location. Research recommendations for further consideration are also mapped out.

Ageing in Place Down Under

This paper explores the concept of Ageing in Place and how it is currently understood in Australia.
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