Australasian Journal on Ageing
Australian Association of Gerontology Position Paper: Older women who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness
This Position Paper is based on the evidence presented in the Background Paper of the same name which shows that the implementation of aged care service information, assessment and delivery is not meeting the intent of the Australian aged care legislation at this stage, especially regarding older women who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.
What makes a community age-friendly: A review of international literature
The building and maintenance of an age-friendly environment is widely regarded as a core component of a positive approach to addressing the challenge of population ageing.
This paper reviews the literature on age-friendly communities published since 2005.
What makes a community age-friendly: A review of international literature
This paper undertakes a comprehensive review of the growing international literature on age-friendly communities. It examines a range of approaches and identifies the key attributes associated with creating a sustainable environment for seniors.
The authors critically evaluate emerging policy trends and models and suggest directions for future research attention.
Correlates of housing affordability stress among older Australians
The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and correlates of housing affordability stress among community‐dwelling older Australians. It concluded that although the prevalence of housing affordability stress is low among older Australians when compared to the younger population, a definite social gradient exists in those at risk.
Co-housing for older people: Housing innovation in the Netherlands and Denmark
Provides a history of co-housing in The Netherlands and Denmark and its particular relevance to older people as a housing option.