International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Evaluation of an Age-Friendly City and Its Effect on Life Satisfaction: A Two-Stage Study
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has established the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities initiative, which promotes active ageing by optimising health, participation and safety opportunities in order to improve people’s quality of life as they age.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing a new agenda for the age-friendly cities movement, increasing the number of review
The Challenges of Urban Ageing: Making Cities Age-Friendly in Europe
This article explores and describes the challenges that are encountered when making cities age-friendly in Europe. Such challenges include the creation of inclusive neighbourhoods and the implementation of technology for ageing-in-place.
Shared Housing Arrangements in Germany—An Equitable Alternative to Long Term Care Services beyond Homes and Institutions?
Germany has experienced a growing interest and investment in innovative models of aged care that can provide more choice and flexibility to beneficiaries, while reducing the need for costly institutionalization.
One model that has gained special attention is shared housing arrangements, in which a limited number of six to eight people in need of care rent private rooms in ordinary apartment build
Improved Housing Accessibility for Older People in Sweden and Germany: Short Term Costs and Long-Term Gains
The physical housing environment is important to facilitate activities of daily living (ADL) for older people.
Is Housing a Health Insult?
In seeking to understand the relationship between housing and health, research attention is often focussed on separate components of people’s whole housing ‘bundles’.