Per Capita
Home for Good: Improving the Private Rental Market for Older Australians
Once considered a short-term housing option primarily for young adults, the private rental housing sector now accommodates 27 per cent of all households in Australia, with residents renting for much longer periods than in previous decades.
With diverse housing types covering a geographical range from urban to rural, the private rental sector can work well for the 6.3 million renters who can affor
Mutual Appreciation: A Social Innovation Think Piece
A triple threat is looming in relation to ageing in Australia, one with particular implications for women. While access to secure and affordable housing can mean the difference between poverty and a decent life in older age, full home ownership in Australia is increasingly a privilege. As we age, housing takes on particular significance.
Mutual Appreciation: A Social Innovation Thinkpiece
Global trends and domestic policy have challenged Australia’s traditional owner-occupier housing model and undermined the assumption of zero housing costs in retirement that underpins both our retirement income and aged care systems. Housing has become a commodity, a place where investors grow wealth to hand down inter-generationally while others become increasingly vulnerable to housing stress.
The Adequacy of the Age Pension in Australia: An assessment of pensioner living standards
This Australian report examines the adequacy of the Age Pension both qualitatively, through focus groups and town meetings, and quantitatively, through analysis of social survey data. Methodology included quantitative analysis provided by the HILDA (Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia) survey which included 9,000 households and 25,000 individuals.
Retirement housing in Victoria: Working together - resident protections and industry viability
On 8 June 2017, 24 representatives from resident advocacy groups, universities, industry, ombudsman schemes, government agencies and regulators met in Melbourne at an Experts’ Forum to discuss the future of retirement housing regulation in Victoria.
The Experts’ Forum was convened to consider three key issues arising from the Inquiry’s final report:
• Reviewing the Retirement Villages Act 1986 (V
The adequacy of the Age Pension in Australia: An assessment of pensioner living standards
The Age Pension in Australia is inadequate.
It fails to provide a decent standard of living for approximately 1.5 million older Australians who rely on it as their main source of income. Some pensioners are taking drastic measures in order to make ends meet – they are turning off hot water in summer, blending food because they can’t afford a dentist and choosing between food and medication.
The Head, the Heart, and the House
This is a paper about older Australians and their homes. Homes are bricks and mortar and more.
The Head, The Heart & The House: Health, Care and Quality of Life
Around 2.8 million Australians tuned in to Channel 9 in mid-October 2014 to watch the auc on of The Block, the most recent instalment of the hit property renova on show. The highest-ra ng reality TV show in Australia documented in painful detail the shock and dismay of the Block par cipants as their apartments were sold at auc on.We are a na on mesmerised by housing and home improvement.
The Entitlement of Age
Australia’s retirement income system is becoming unsustainable. This is not because too much money is spent on the age pension. Australia spends an average of 3.5 per cent of its GDP on age-related spending against an OECD average of 7.8 per cent.
Per Capita’s detailed analysis shows that unsustainability and inequality are the two emergent trends in Australia’s retirement income system.
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