The Salvation Army
The voices of mid-life women facing housing insecurity
Single, mid-life women in Australia have emerged as a group vulnerable to housing insecurity and having a high potential of homelessness in their old age (65+). Mid-life is used here to denote women aged between 40 and 65.
Homeless Baby Boomers - Housing Poorer Baby Boomers in their Retirement
This report considers the challenges New Zealand faces with an increasing number of people reaching retirement age as tenants. These challenges not only include those around adequacy of income but also those around availability and access to suitable housing. In addition there is an overlaying challenge of the sheer number of people reaching retirement age over the next decade.
No home at the end of the Road? A survey of single women over 40 years of age who do not believe they will own their housing outright at retirement
Single, older women in Australia have emerged as a group vulnerable to housing insecurity and as being in danger of homelessness in their old age.
Older women and homelessness, a literature review
The catalyst for this literature review, which is a joint initiative of the City of Booroondara and the Salvation Army EastCare, was the lack of service options, coupled with the increasing demand for services to provide appropriate housing and support for older women, including women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.Unfortunately, the plight of older women confronting