US Government"
Housing for Seniors: Challenges and Solutions
The older population in the US is projected to grow rapidly, and although many seniors wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible, challenges related to affordability, accessibility, and poor linkages to health services may make doing so difficult.
Expanding the supply of aging-friendly housing options, rental assistance, home repairs and modifications, accessible residential design an
Demographic Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Housing Markets
With the aging of the Baby Boomers, America’s population of seniors is growing and diversifying fast. Fewer seniors are disabled and more of them are financially independent, but the sheer size of the Baby Boom generation means that a large increase in the absolute number of seniors facing housing affordability and independent living challenges is inevitable.
The Housing Problems of the Future Elderly Population
The focus of this report is on how the current unmet shelter and care needs of older Americans will change over the next twenty years – in 2020. It has four goals:
1. To investigate the growth in the current number of older households that will be at risk of occupying unaffordable housing in poor physical condition;