
Octogenarian's tailor-made tiny house offers a retirement home alternative

A look at the option of Tiny House living as an alternative to institutionalised aged care for older people.

'It's a Great Idea for Other People': Cohousing as an option for older Australians

Older Australians face housing challenges including supply, accessibility, affordability, security of tenure and isolation. This article reports on research conducted in the state of New South Wales, Australia into the potential for cohousing to address these challenges.

A community fix for the affordable housing crisis

Australia has a pressing need for more social and affordable housing. More than half of all low-income tenants in the private market spend at least 30% of their disposable income on rent (and often much more than that). The best way to reduce rental stress is to build up the community housing sector, even though it currently provides less than 1% of all Australian dwellings.

Co-housing: could it take off?

Choice and control are the driving force behind a growing co-housing initiative for older Australians looking for alternatives to the traditional aged care and retirement living options.

Vertical retirement villages are on the rise, and they’re high-tech too

For good quality of life as one ages, there must be optimal retirement options. The default is to stay in one’s current home for as long as possible, or downsize. Some will settle into the quiet life of a retirement village on the urban fringes.

Census of Population and Housing: Estimating homelessness, 2016

This publication presents estimates of the prevalence of homelessness, and the characteristics and living arrangements of those likely to be homeless, on Census night 2016 and compares those estimates to Census night in 2011, 2006 and 2001. Estimates are also provided for people whose living arrangements are close to the statistical boundary of homelessness, but who are not classified as homeless.

Housing Stress Increases for Social Housing Renters

Housing stress has increased considerably among renters of social housing, new research shows, renewing calls from the social sector for more affordable housing and a national housing strategy. The latest Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey released on Tuesday said renters were particularly prone to both financial stress and housing stress. “Over the HILDA survey pe

Older Renters in the Western Australian Private Rental Sector: Strategies to enhance housing security for WA's older renters

More people are reaching retirement age without owning a home, and the number of older people residing in the private rental market is increasing.

Ageing with no address

This presentation looks at trends in homelessness for the Australian population aged 55 years and over, using Census data from 2006, 2011 and 2016.

Life as an older renter, and what it tells us about the urgent need for tenancy reform

Reform in the private rental sector is essential. Growing numbers of Australians rent their housing and increasing proportions are expected to rent long-term. This makes it essential that private rental housing meets the need that every person has for a secure and affordable home. It is getting harder for older renters to find adequate, appropriate and secure housing.
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