
90 Day Design Innovation in Social Housing Project – Case Study

Housing that supports health, wellbeing and independence for older people is an important aspect of developing South Australia’s capacity as an age friendly state. Between December 2016 and March 2017, Office for the Ageing (OFTA) undertook a 90 Day Design Innovation in Social Housing Project to discover how housing and precinct design can respond to the needs of older Housing SA tenants as they

Older Women's Studio Development Project

The aim of the project was to explore whether the model of smaller accommodation was suitable for housing homeless older women in the inner and middle ring communities of Sydney. It was designed to be carried out in two stages. Stage 1 engaged older women in co-designing smaller spaces that would work for them as long-term homes.

The Australian dream: Housing Experiences of Older Australians

With a significant and growing proportion of Australians aged over 65, the so-called “Australian Dream” is facing stark realities. In The Australian Dream: Housing Experiences of Older Australians, Professor Alan Morris goes directly to the coal-face, drawing on 125 in-depth interviews and comparing real world experience with the trends and needs of an ageing Australia. Those older Australians r

Finding a Suitable Home for Older People at Risk of Homelessness in South Australia Summary Report

An emerging group of older South Australians on low incomes, the majority women, are living in insecure private rental housing paying unaffordable rents and just surviving on a pension.Many have lived conven onal working lives but find themselves in later life without housing security or affordability because they have not a ained home ownership or been eligible for public housing.Entering re reme

Housing an Ageing Population - An approach to improving housing affordability, liveability and financial resilience for senior Australians

This presentation examines the concept of cohousing as a way of addressing the housing affordability crisis in Australia, particularly how it affects those in the older cohort of 65+. Cohousing can help address policy challenges associated with an ageing population, rising health care costs and housing affordability.

Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village Sector Report

This report presents the Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village;s findings and makes 17 recommendations to improve the legislative framework for retirement villages and the operational practices of both the industry and the regulator, NSW Fair Trading. It recommned that the operation of the retirement village sector be improved in three key areas: - increasing the transparency of exit fees and

Housing affordability is not just about youth. 15,000 seniors are homeless

Private rental accommodation is now more unaffordable than owner-occupied. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, people who rent, spend more of their income on housing than people with a mortgage.

Alternative accommodation models in later life

A review of a number of alternative accommodation models for seniors with links to specific projects in Australia and the US.

Housing affordability in retirement: current and future issues

This presentation looks at ways in which the issue of housing affordability in retirement can be addressed in Australia.

Rise in Older Women Now Couch Surfing or Sleeping in Their Car

Imagine reaching the age of 55 and having to choose between couch surfing or sleeping in your car each night. This is the situation for thousands of older women in Australia. Last year 1,618 women aged over 50 who presented at homelessness services were couch surfing according to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data. This number has risen by 83% in the last four years.
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