
Australian demographic trends and their implications for housing subsidies

This Positioning Paper is the first output of a project that aims to forecast future housing subsidies that will accompany projected demographic changes and the challenges these trends may pose for the fiscal sustainability of housing policy.

Seniors downsizing on their own terms: Overcoming planning, legal and policy impediments to the creation of alternative retirement communities

Terms such as ‘ageing in place’ and ‘downsizing’ have become ubiquitous in discourse about the accommodation choices of older people. The terms, while not mutually exclusive, are not necessarily symbiotic and mean different things to different people.

Ending and Preventing Older Women's Experience of Homelessness in Australia

Older, single women are increasingly vulnerable to housing stress, insecurity and homelessness.

The Head, The Heart & The House: Health, Care and Quality of Life

Around 2.8 million Australians tuned in to Channel 9 in mid-October 2014 to watch the auc on of The Block, the most recent instalment of the hit property renova on show. The highest-ra ng reality TV show in Australia documented in painful detail the shock and dismay of the Block par cipants as their apartments were sold at auc on.We are a na on mesmerised by housing and home improvement.

At Risk of Homelessness: Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

The Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities project has been a ground-breaking initiative that has aimed to, and succeeded in, significantly improving access to affordable housing options for older people from high need CALD communities in Victoria.When Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) and the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV)

The housing crisis destroying the lives of single women

The single older woman who doesn’t own her own home has become one of the most at-risk groups in Australia due to the rising cost of rent and the lack of jobs for older Australians.

Supply shortages and affordability outcomes in the private rental sector: short and longer term trends

This report found there was a shortage of 271 000 affordable and available rental dwellings for very-low-income households in 2011, an increase of 60 000 since 2006.

‘New ideas to old problems’ needed says head of innovative housing service

Australia needs new solutions to address the growing number of homeless seniors,particularly women. Innovative solutions to look after this cohort are needed. This article looks at Common Ground Tasmania which opened in 2012. Older women have been drawn to the model as it provides safe and secure accommodation with a sense of community and purpose.

Older, single women are the new face of homelessness, says Anglican report

Older single women are the new face of homelessness in Australia, welfare group Anglicare has revealed in a new report that looks at the groups falling through the cracks in society. The State of the Family report, released on Monday, found that older single women were much more vulnerable to poverty and homelessness due to lower workplace participation, lifelong unpaid caring responsibilities an

The Future of Housing for Older Australians

This paper outlines the issues associated with the provision of a range of seniors housing products, including affordable products for those on lower incomes. It identifies strategies and makes recommendations for removing some of the key barriers to providing these housing products to address the current gaps in the seniors living market.
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