Elderly care systems around the world
With quality of life improving and medical care advancing across the globe, the human population is ageing. This is an investigation into how elderly care systems differ on a country-by-country basis, with some more reliant on state support than others.
Healthy settings for older people are healthy settings for all: the experience of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
In 2016, Friuli-Venezia Giulia developed innovative strategies that have been recognized by the European Commission with the conferring of the title, reference site, in the scope of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging.
How can Italy support its homeless women?
In 2014, 14.3% of Italy's homeless population were women. The typical woman was 45+, with more than 50% of the homeless women being of foreign nationality.
The article discusses the causes for this rise in female homelessness and looks at the Italian experience in the broader context of Europe
Students in Milan are moving in with the elderly to fight loneliness and save money
Milan seeks to match young people looking for affordable accommodation with seniors in need of company. It fosters solidarity by bringing two generations together.
The “Take Home a Student” project was conceived by MeglioMilano, or “Better Milan”, a non-profit organization, and has created more than 600 pairs since it began in 2004.
Healthy settings for older people are healthy settings for all: the experience of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
This report shows how age-friendly environments have been created at the subnational level in Italy, using examples primarily from the Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
Cohousing: a solution for the Elderly?
A discussion on the pros and cons of cohousing as a solution to Italy's ageing population's housing needs.
Aging in Italy: The Need for New Welfare Strategies in an Old Country
Italy has the largest proportion of elderly citizens (aged ≥65) in Europe of 21.4%. Italy is conducting important studies on aging, both at the national and international level.
Cohousing: a solution for the Elderly? Innovative housing solutions to address the challenges of an ageing society
Italian social protection expenditure dedicates several resources to old age. However, welfare services are not sufficient anymore for satisfying the large and complex demand of the aging population.
Best practices in self-administration of communal senior housing
The aim of this report is to present information about forms of housing relevant to older people with various degrees of care needs. Best practice in Italy, Poland, the UK and Sweden is examined.
The various best practice examples presented are evidence of empowerment, autonomy and mutual support.
High dependency seniors and Social policies in Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden and Poland Collaborative housing - mainstream for older people in the EU?
The short desk research on social policies that gave rise to this comparative report is part of a wide range of activities undertaken by four partner organizations from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Poland within a Grundtvig Learning Partnership project entitled “Co-Elderly – Co-housing and Social housing for Elders’ Reactivation”.
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