New Zealand

Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand’s planning system influences market outcomes

This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand.

The Housing Older People Would Choose: A Review of Selected New Zealand Research

This report has been developed to think about the ‘housing older people would choose’ by reviewing research data from New Zealand primary research into older people’s housing choices and patterns of residential movement. It focuses on what the platform of research tells us about: the characteristics and amenities that older people consider important in their housing and living environment; the re

Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand's planning system influences market outcomes

This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand. It will then consider how the recently introduced Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015, through its recognition of the importance of affordable housing supply,

Seniors Housing - Issues Identification Paper

This issues paper considers the housing experiences of seniors in Auckland, with a focus on vulnerable groups (asset poor renters and owner‐occupiers in a financially vulnerable situation). Community and Social Policy have identified housing issues facing seniors to be an emerging policy area for investigation. Auckland’s population is growing, and becoming older.

Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand's planning system influences market outcome

This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand. It will then consider how the recently introduced Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015, through its recognition of the importance of affordable housing supply,

Alternative housing options for older New Zealanders: the case for a life-cycle study

This paper makes a case for the resource assessment of housing alternatives for an ageing population that could make better use of existing housing in New Zealand.

Ageing Population Growth and Critical Housing Questions in New Zealand

In the context of the global ageing population, the case of New Zealand is significant, where one in four of the population will be over sixty-five by 2051. This paper identifies some critical housing questions within the context of population ageing in Auckland, New Zealand.

More NZ retirees will become homeless

New Zealand is facing a growing population of homeless older people. The Salvation Army has released new research estimating that by 2030, 200,000 retirement-aged won't own a house and will be unable to afford rent.

Homeless Baby Boomers - Housing Poorer Baby Boomers in their Retirement

This report considers the challenges New Zealand faces with an increasing number of people reaching retirement age as tenants. These challenges not only include those around adequacy of income but also those around availability and access to suitable housing. In addition there is an overlaying challenge of the sheer number of people reaching retirement age over the next decade.

Housing for Older Persons: Options Paper

The government has made significant changes to the way social housing is delivered across New Zealand following recommendations in 2010 by the Housing Shareholders Advisory Group.
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