
Providing a sustainable living environment in not-for-profit retirement villages: A case study in Australia

In Australia, 40.1 per cent of retirement villages are not-for-profit. Not-for-profit developers face more challenges than private developers mainly because sustainable retirement villages need more financial resources, which is challenging for not-for-profit developers given their limited financial means.

Residential Transition for Older Queenslanders

Queensland’s ageing population will present enormous opportunities and challenges over coming decades. Housing plays a foundational role in assuring quality of life, ageing in place, and supporting active and independent living for older Queenslanders.

Queensland: an age-friendly community - Action Plan

This action plan, which was informed by more than 9000 responses to our survey, outlines the Queensland Government’s priorities, initiatives and services that contribute to building age-friendly communities and supporting our strategic direction statement, Queensland: an age-friendly community.

Recent housing transfer experience in Australia: implications for affordable housing industry development

Focusing primarily on public housing transfers in Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania, this Inquiry analysed the associated processes and frameworks to reveal the lessons learned. The case studies reveal aspects of transfer practices such as capturing Rent Assistance-enhanced revenues; the transfer of ‘management’ rather than freehold title; and the absence of a role for tenants.

Planning Neighbourhoods for all Ages and Abilities: A Multi-generational Perspective

Taking a more integrated approach to planning our neighbourhoods for the continuum of inhabitants’ ages and abilities makes sense given our current and future population composition. Seldom are the built environment requirements of diverse groups (e.g. children, seniors, and people with disability) synthesised, resulting in often unfriendly and exclusionary neighbourhoods.

Socially Healthy Ageing: The Importance of Third Places, Soft Edges and Walkable Neighbourhoods

Population ageing is a complex subject with implications for public policy and urban and regional planning. A key community responsibility of population ageing is to ensure the health and wellbeing of this cohort. In this respect, planning for socially healthy ageing is a critical area requiring urgent and substantial research.

Then, now and tomorrow: housing for an ageing population

The key to future boomer housing in Australia is the provision of sustainable and affordable housing landscapes that promote the health and wellbeing of residents for the duration of their life. This paper focuses on Gold Coast housing landscapes, where a number of innovative boomer housing projects are currently being developed.

Sustainable retirement village for older people: A case study in Brisbane, Australia

This paper aims to identify sustainability features and practices adopted in retirement villages and associated benefits to improve the life quality of older people.

Gerotopia: Building (retirement) villages for baby boomers

It is well established that Australia’s ageing population will have a critical impact on the economy, the health care service and housing provision. The existing retirement village model is not adequate or appropriate for many boomers as they age and new ‘village’ models are currently being developed.

Infill Development for Older Australians in South East Queensland An Analysis of the Preferences of Older People in the Urban Environment

This research aimed to identify liveable, affordable and sustainable ways to accommodate older people in communities that are becoming more densely populated.
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