United Kingdom

Home sweet home? The gap between housing supply and demand for an ageing population

Recent UK research has highlighted the very real crisis in housing. The dearth of available, affordable housing reflects a decline in investment from both the private and public sector.

Sixty, female and all living under one roof (just don't call it a commune)

Looks at co-housing option models for older women in the UK that have been based on models working in the US, Canada, Denmark and The Netherlands.

Valuing Retirement Housing Exploring the economic effects of specialist housing for older people

The consequence of poor housing can be catastrophic. Older people in particular can see their quality of life diminish through frustration and misery at a lack of independence; and a hastened path to illness, hospitalisation and ultimately an earlier death. This UK report reveals that the impacts of inappropriate housing for older people.

Forget "downsizing", think "rightsizing" to meet older people's housing needs and aspirations

In the UK, many older people live in homes that are probably too big for their needs and budgets. If they were encouraged to downsize, and also given the choice of housing that would make downsizing appealing, they might well be persuaded to sell their home to a family who actually needs that sort of space.

Do the generations need each other or “never the twain should meet”?

This paper examines the position of the older person within the housing system and puts forward innovative and inspirational ideas for the retirement sector in Wales. However, the main theme has to be the need for a radical transformation of the Welsh retirement sector so that the options available are vibrant, provide lifelong purpose and participation, companionship and visitability.

Considering Housing Models for London’s Aging Population

In Canada, the population is aging. Currently, the cohort aged 65+is greater than those who are aged 0 to 14.

How can local government be better associated with delivering housing for an ageing population?

This paper offers an overview of the challenges local authorities face in housing and caring for an ageing population and suggests that Local Government must have a key role in meeting this challenge.

Co-operative housing for an aging population

A submission to the Expert Housing Group considering housing issues for older people in Wales. The Welsh Government Stakeholders Group on Co-operative Housing has been working for the last four years to facilitate implementation of Welsh Government commitments to co-operative housing.

Building companionship: how better design can combat loneliness in later life

This UK report explores the issue of loneliness in later life: the scale and nature of the problem; the impact on health and potential costs to the state; what is most effective in combating loneliness for older people; and, importantly, why it might be that older people living in specialist age specific housing (retirement housing, extra care, assisted living and so on) tend to feel far less lone

The experiments providing homes around the world

While housing is a national crisis, the most pressing concerns differ from area to area. The lack of affordable homes being built every year is a huge issue. The current crisis isn’t just about a lack of political will to invest in social housing.
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