United Kingdom

Are housing associations ready for an ageing population?

The continuous growth in the number of older people in the UK will dramatically change how society will look and how it will function. This demographic shift is one of the main talking points of public debate and presents a considerable challenge for government and policymakers.

Housing for Older People in Wales: An Evidence Review

The housing environments in which we age can play a determining role in ensuring that people remain engaged in their local communities and maintain a sense of autonomy and independence. Population ageing poses an unprecedented challenge to policy makers and planners alike in Wales, and requires us to think “outside the box” if we are to provide older citizens with real choice of appropriately des

Meeting the Housing Needs of an Ageing Population in Wales: Report of Recommendations

This report documents initial discussions and preliminary recommendations which emerged from an expert workshop held in June 2015 attended by experts from Wales, the rest of the UK and other European countries.

Developing Age-Friendly Cities: Case Studies from Brussels and Manchester and Implications for Policy and Practice

Developing age-friendly communities has become a significant dimension in debates in social policy. This chapter aims to provide a comparison of the age-friendly approaches in two European cities , Brussels and Manchester , with a particular focus on policies and initiatives that promote active ageing in an urban context.

Researching age-friendly communities. Stories from older people as co-investigators.

This guide evaluates the participatory dimension of a study that explored the age-friendliness of three wards in the city of Manchester. The purpose of the study was to examine opportunities and constraints for older people living in urban environments with a view to improving their experience of living in the city.

An Age Friendly City – how far has London come?

The Institute of Gerontology has undertaken this research. It follows their study for the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2006: What makes a city age-friendly?

Development of new cohousing: lessons learned from a London scheme for the over-50s

There is increased interest in the UK in cohousing as a desirable alternative for older people.

Housing vulnerable older people: lessons from Europe and Australia

A comparison of strategies for housing vulnerable older people in Europe and Australia.

Towards a deeper understanding of the social architecture of co-housing: evidence from the UK, USA and Australia

This paper draws attention to the micro-social practices that self-organising resident groups engage in over the years that it takes to build a co-housing community. This ‘social architecture’ is what distinguishes co-housing from superficially similar shared-space neighbourhoods.

A brief history of housing for older people

An interesting summary of housing options for the elderly in Europe and the UK, from Hospitals, Almshouses and Colleges to our current Retirement Villages.
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