United Kingdom

Quality and choice for older people's housing: what can a new Private Rental Sector offer?

The past two years (2012-2013) have seen a growing interest in the potential role of a ‘new PRS’ in delivering quality housing and greater tenure choice ... with media interest, conferences and reports, a government Private Rented Sector Taskforce and funding for Build to Rent.

A Roof Over My Head: the final report of the Sustain project

There are now 3.8 million households living in the private rented sector (PRS), a number which has nearly doubled in the past ten years. The PRS is increasingly being used by local authorities and agencies to house homeless people but the ending of a private tenancy is now the leading cause of statutory homelessness.

For Future Living: Innovative Approaches to Joining Up Housing and Health

In exploring housing and health for older people, our research examined the following questions: • What do older people expect from their housing and housing providers? • What choices does the UK housing market offer older and vulnerable people? • What can we learn from the international literature about housing for older people, and can so-called intentional community approaches offer innovative

Public housing stock transfer — impacts and implications for local government final report

This is the Final Report of a project that examines the impact of the South Australian Government’s announced program of public housing stock transfers to the community sector on local governments. The community housing sector in Australia is defined as not-for-profit housing and is made up of both larger and smaller organisations.

Feeling in control: comparing older people's experiences in different care settings

The promotion of choice and control for older people is a policy priority for both health and social care services in the UK. For older people receiving care, it seems that having control is less to do with managing by oneself and more to do with having control over the delegation of their care and responsibilities and influencing how and when care and support is delivered.

Exploring the Meaning of Home for Six Baby Boomers

Current policy and practice in the UK is that people should, wherever possible, age at home, but there is no research into what home means to baby boomers. Therefore, this researcher asks two questions. Firstly, how can the meaning of home for baby boomers be explored? Secondly, what influence does the life course have on the meaning of home for six baby boomers?

Age friendly societies in our time? A literature review

This project sought to gain an understanding of the state and breadth of knowledge about the social isolation of older people in urban areas, with particular attention paid to housing form, and formal and informal care. The coverage is of international material in English; with items emanating from or relating to Canada generally, being of particular interest.

Meeting the Housing Needs of Vulnerable Homeless People in Northern Ireland

This policy review focuses on the use of the private rented sector in Northern Ireland to house vulnerable (chronically) homeless people. As the supply of social housing comes under intense pressure in Northern Ireland, the possibilities for using the private rented sector as an alternative source of accommodation for homeless people are now being explored.

Transforming almshouses for the 21st century

Almshouses have existed for a thousand years, but their role is not well-understood outside the almshouse movement.

Housing an Ageing Population: Implications for Managing the Social Housing Stock

The UK is currently experiencing an exponential rise in the 50 + population. Increased life expectancy coupled with the retirement of the “post war baby boomers” presents a demographic spike which has significant implications for society.
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