United Kingdom

Policy Paper: Health Housing and Ageing

This is one of a series of policy papers published by the UK national Housing and Ageing Alliance to stimulate debate and a coherent policy response to the critical issue of demographic change and housing. Housing quality and suitability is a major determinant of health and well-being, There is a causal link between housing and the main long term health conditions.

Living together privately: for a cautious reading of cohousing

The paper analyses cohousing as a part of the phenomenon of private residential communities. First, we provide an overview of cohousing and we identify its five constitutive characteristics. Second, we propose a comparison between the constitutive features of cohousing and of other kinds of private residential communities.

Making informed decisions on housing options: the value of advice and support for older people

The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the provision of a UK government-backed, centralised advice and support service, named FirstStop, can assist older people in making informed decisions on ways to plan ahead as their housing and care needs change. Drawing upon conceptual frameworks of residential decision making and through the use of in-depth interviews, the paper examin

The Long Term Care Revolution: A study of innovative models to support older people with disabilities in the Netherlands

This paper provides relevant information about the Netherlands on how support is provided to older adults in need of long term care in their own homes or alternative homes.

What's in a name? Similarities and differences in international terms and meanings for older peoples' housing with services

Discussion of housing for older people that is combined with provision of various support and care services is confounded by the lack of consistent terminology. The diversity of terms and meanings relating to housing with services for older people confounds systematic analysis, especially in international comparative research.

High dependency seniors and Social policies in Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden and Poland Collaborative housing - mainstream for older people in the EU?

The short desk research on social policies that gave rise to this comparative report is part of a wide range of activities undertaken by four partner organizations from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Poland within a Grundtvig Learning Partnership project entitled “Co-Elderly – Co-housing and Social housing for Elders’ Reactivation”.

Towards an agenda for post-carbon cities. Lessons from Lilac, the UK’s first ecological, affordable cohousing community

This paper explores an agenda towards post-carbon cities, extending and deepening established debates around low-carbon, sustainable cities in the process. The paper draws upon a case-study of an embryonic post-carbon initiative due for completion in 2013 called Lilac.

Best practices in self-administration of communal senior housing

The aim of this report is to present information about forms of housing relevant to older people with various degrees of care needs. Best practice in Italy, Poland, the UK and Sweden is examined. The various best practice examples presented are evidence of empowerment, autonomy and mutual support.

Growing Older Together: The Case for Housing that is Shaped and Controlled by Older People

This case study report argues that the UK needs to develop more housing that is shaped and controlled by older people themselves. Drawing on recent research, the report describes the specific appeal of resident controlled housing for older people and it shows how such housing contributes to older people’s well-being.

Senior cohousing communities: an alternative approach for the UK?

This report draws on two events in Spring 2012. The first, in York, brought together people aged over 50, mainly from existing or recently formed groups interested in cohousing. The second, in Dunfermline, included representatives of local authorities and housing associations with people aged over 50.
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