Gemma Burgess
Co-living for older people – stakeholder views
New models of co-living for older people have recently emerged in the UK, echoing a growing interest in alternative housing solutions.
The aim of this project was to understand the risks and benefits of these housing models and their potential for wider use to support older people.
Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people?
The initial phase for this project is a desk-based review of existing evidence about the benefits and risks of older peoples’ co-living.
The review will also consider the institutional frameworks that impact upon older peoples’ co-living, focusing on an analysis of the legal and financial frameworks that apply to such households in relation to inheritance, provision of formal care at home, benefi
Making informed decisions on housing options: the value of advice and support for older people
The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the provision of a UK government-backed, centralised advice and support service, named FirstStop, can assist older people in making informed decisions on ways to plan ahead as their housing and care needs change.
Drawing upon conceptual frameworks of residential decision making and through the use of in-depth interviews, the paper examin