Anna Howe
What's in a name? Similarities and differences in international terms and meanings for older peoples' housing with services
Discussion of housing for older people that is combined with provision of various support and care services is confounded by the lack of consistent terminology.
The diversity of terms and meanings relating to housing with services for older people confounds systematic analysis, especially in international comparative research.
Ageing in what place? Stage One: Case Studies
These case studies form part of the final report on Stage One of Hanover Welfare Service’s research into the experience of housing crisis and homelessness for older Victorians.
Service integrated housing for Australians in later life
The aim of the study is to analyse the diversity and types of service integrated housing that have been developed in Australia, and to consider the policy and research implications. It includes examination of the implications of international experience with service integrated housing for Australia.
Housing an older Australia: More of the same or something different?
Older people’s housing is not only of interest to older people themselves: it attracts the attention of many others, each viewing it from their own perspective, and so each with
different interests in the future of older people’s housing. At least six different views that feature in debates about housing and older people can be identified: