United Kingdom

What's in a name? Similarities and differences in international terms and meanings for older peoples' housing with services

Discussion of housing for older people that is combined with provision of various support and care services is confounded by the lack of consistent terminology. The diversity of terms and meanings relating to housing with services for older people confounds systematic analysis, especially in international comparative research.

Towards an agenda for post-carbon cities. Lessons from Lilac, the UK’s first ecological, affordable cohousing community

This paper explores an agenda towards post-carbon cities, extending and deepening established debates around low-carbon, sustainable cities in the process. The paper draws upon a case-study of an embryonic post-carbon initiative due for completion in 2013 called Lilac.

Best practices in self-administration of communal senior housing

The aim of this report is to present information about forms of housing relevant to older people with various degrees of care needs. Best practice in Italy, Poland, the UK and Sweden is examined. The various best practice examples presented are evidence of empowerment, autonomy and mutual support.

High dependency seniors and Social policies in Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden and Poland Collaborative housing - mainstream for older people in the EU?

The short desk research on social policies that gave rise to this comparative report is part of a wide range of activities undertaken by four partner organizations from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Poland within a Grundtvig Learning Partnership project entitled “Co-Elderly – Co-housing and Social housing for Elders’ Reactivation”.

Growing Older Together: The Case for Housing that is Shaped and Controlled by Older People

This case study report argues that the UK needs to develop more housing that is shaped and controlled by older people themselves. Drawing on recent research, the report describes the specific appeal of resident controlled housing for older people and it shows how such housing contributes to older people’s well-being.

A better fit? Creating housing choices for an ageing population

This report aims to: Set out the evidence about older people’s housing at present: where older people are living, their aspirations and their attitudes about housing, particularly their attitudes to downsizing. Explore the social and economic benefits associated with providing more housing for older people. Make the case for increasing the supply of housing for older people and recommend policy

The ageing population will change demand for housing. In particular, it is likely that more adaptable and specialised housing will be needed.

By 2033, total UK households are projected to increase by 27%. In that time, one-person households are projected to increase by 54%, with half of the growth in the over 65 group. Building suitable new homes and supporting the adaptation of the existing housing stock will be critical as the population ages. (Housing and Neighbourhoods Policy Implication 4.1)

Building Mutual Support & Social Capital in Retirement Communities

This edition of Viewpoint explores what it might mean to build ‘social capital’ in specialist housing for older people and the opportunities and obstacles to doing so. It presents and reflects on good practice examples which are seeking to do this through volunteering, peer support, social enterprise and co-production.

Supported housing for older people in the UK: An evidence review

This UK-wide review examines the quality of life that sheltered and retirement housing offers older tenants and owner-occupiers, especially those with high support needs.

Affordability of Retirement Housing in the UK

This UK-wide study examines how the affordability of retirement housing affects the housing options available to older people. It considers three research questions: - whether retirement housing is likely to be viable financially for the majority of older people (i.e.
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