United Kingdom

Policy and service responses to rough sleeping among older people

Rough sleeping in Britain has a long history, and interventions have alternated between legal sanctions and humanitarian concern. This paper critically examines recent changes in homeless policies and services, with particular reference to the needs of older people who sleep rough. The characteristics and problems of the group are first described.

The Achievements of a Multiservice Project for Older Homeless People

The aim of this article is to assess the ways in which older homeless people can be helped to return to more conventional accommodation and lives.

Nursing homes in 10 nations: a comparison between countries and settings

The objective of this paper is to describe and compare the long-term care systems in 10 countries participating in studies employing the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) and to place them in the context of the changing population dynamics in each country.

The meaning of home

The need for a practical understanding of homeless women's lives motivates and underpins the life history and experiential approach adopted in this study. Homelessness is seen as a life process and the lives of homeless women, and the stories they tell about their lives, are experienced and specified in terms that are appropriate to social understanding.

Housing and Older People: time for fresh thinking and new ideas

In 2001 the UK Government set out its vision in ‘Quality And Choice For Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework’. This stated that ‘ ... housing... can be the springboard that enables older people to remain involved and live their lives to the full.’ This paper examines the problems and provides action plans.
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