United Kingdom

The Value of Sheltered Housing

An estimated 71% of supported housing properties in Great Britain house older people – most of these are owned and managed by housing associations.

Housing for older people in Wales: a sector review of sheltered housing

There has been increasing attention given recently to the potential of housing and housing related services to contribute to the health and well-being of older people in Wales.

Older people's housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036

Addressing the needs of a rapidly ageing population in both SCDC and Cambridge City will require decisive action. It is acknowledged in recent policy and research documents that to meet this challenge, a system of provision is required which includes and connects together the following five components: 1.

Blackpool Council’s Housing Plan for the Ageing Population 2017 - 2020

The ageing population of Britain presents a new challenge for housing. Blackpool specifically will see a 28% increase in residents aged 65+ within the next 25 years which will have a direct impact on housing provision and related services.

The ageing population will change demand for housing. In particular, it is likely that more adaptable and specialised housing will be needed.

This document outlines the Policy implications for the UK due to the ageing population's changing demands for housing. Building suitable new homes and supporting the adaptation of the existing housing stock will be critical as the population ages. It is also important that older people can move to a more appropriately sized home with ease.

Sustainable Homes for the Elderly

In the UK, ten million people were over sixty-five years old in 2010, and this is projected to increase to nineteen million by 2020. Over two million households are considered to be in fuel poverty and living in unsatisfactory conditions, and many of those people struggling to afford their energy bills are elderly.

Room to improve. The role of home adaptations in improving later life

This UK report summarises the findings of a systematic review of the best recent scientific evidence on how home adaptations can contribute to improving later lives. The last comprehensive review of the evidence on home adaptations was published in 2007.

Ageing Well: A Housing Manifesto

Most people want to age well at home, remaining part of their community and involved with family and friends.

Diversity in older age: Older homelessness

The characteristics of older homelessness can change rapidly over time and may differ significantly from place to place. This review will focus on older homelessness in England. In England older homelessness is currently on the increase and the number of older street-homeless has doubled in the five years from 2010 to 2015.

Gendering Women's Homelessness

The importance of developing gender-sensitive policy responses to women's homelessness has emerged in recent literature on homelessness. To achieve this, policy responses must recognise the diverse and complex needs of all homeless women, including those accompanied or unaccompanied by their children.
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