United States of America

La Opinión: Our homeless crisis is a housing crisis

The homeless crisis in Los Angeles is linked to a lack of affordable housing. The 2018 Homeless Count, found more than 9,000 people newly experiencing homelessness, and a sizeable jump among those 62 years old and older.

What constitutes a good place to age? A qualitative exploration of the concept of home in varied aging contexts

This research explores Chinese older adults’ perceptions of home in varied aging contexts and assesses the process of obtaining a feeling of home after relocation in an old age. Two sets of qualitative data were drawn for the study: one collected in Atlanta, Georgia to understand Chinese older immigrants’ home-making experiences in the U.S.

Patterns of Shelter Use Among Men New to Homelessness in Later Life: Duration of Stay and Psychosocial Factors Related to Departure

Few researchers have focused on the trends and typologies of older people who find themselves homeless for the first time in late life. Yet, adults facing homelessness for a first time in older age are reported to have different experiences and service needs than those who are aging in situations of chronic homelessness.

Creating Age-Friendly Communities Through the Experiences of Villages: Summary of Longitudinal Member Outcomes

This report summarizes the results of a longitudinal survey that assessed changes over time in self reported outcomes of Village members.

Between medical costs, food, seniors find it harder to make rent in Portland

Portland, Oregon's rising rents are seeing an increase in the homeless population, and those at risk of homelessness, particularly among the 55+population, which has seen a jump of 23% between 2013 - 2015. A not-for-profit is trying to launch a test program to provide long-term vouchers to about 50 people on fixed incomes to help them cover their rent so they can stay in their apartment or m

Projections and Implications for Housing a Growing Population: Older Households 2015-2035

In the US, over the next twenty years, the population aged 65 and over is expected to grow from 48 million to 79 million.

The Whys and How-Tos of Creating an Age-Friendly Community

An overview of the World Health Organisation's Age-Friendly Cities Project and how it was adopted by Portland Oregon, with details of its action plan.

Aging in a New Age: Innovative Models for Senior Housing

In 10 years, the first of the 77 million baby boomers in the US will turn 80. That’s the age, say those involved in senior housing, where the intersection of the built environment and health is critical—where many begin to feel frail and need more support. How are builders responding? And in what ways can homes that are suitable for older buyers be profitable for builders?

Older homeless women's identity negotiation: agency, resistance and the construct of a valued self

Abstract There is a growing awareness that the adult homeless population is ageing, mirroring the general US population trend. Although men still outnumber women among the adult homeless population, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women, including older women, seeking shelter each night.

Staying Power: Aging in Community and the Village Model

In the US, older adults are remaining in their homes in increasing numbers and are part of a paradigm shift that is transferring healthcare services from a centralized institutional model to a decentralized home-based model. However, a majority of homes older adults reside in lack basic accessibility features and are in predominantly suburban locations that have limited transportation options.
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