United States of America

Innovative Public-Private Models to Enhance Aging in Place in the United States

With advanced age, people are more likely to confront challenges to their physical health, mental health, economic security, housing, and access to supports. These challenges threaten people’s ability to age in place, which is the preference of many older people.

What would it take to make an age-friendly city?

The challenges of caring for older people are growing as we live longer. By 2050 an estimated 83.7 million people in the US will be over 65.

Pathways to Homelessness Among Older Homeless Adults: Results from the HOPE HOME Study

Little is known about pathways to homelessness among older adults. We identified life course experiences associated with earlier versus later onset of homelessness in older homeless adults and examined current health and functional status by age at first homelessness. We interviewed 350 homeless adults, aged 50 and older, recruited via population-based sampling.

Aging in the 'Right' Place

Older US adults consistently report a desire to stay in their current homes as they age, which has given rise to the phrase “aging in place.” Indeed, an AARP survey in 2014 found that 88% of those 65 and older agreed that they would like to stay in their homes as long as possible. There are good reasons to stay in one's own home, but, there are also many reasons that it may not be the best o

Is Cohousing the Best Solution to Aging Well?

The concept of cohousing as a housing choice for older people for its benefits of community & healthy ageing.

Housing for an Aging Population

We use the American Housing Survey to examine the distribution and occupancy of homes that have, or could be modified to have, accessibility features that allow seniors to successfully remain in the community as they age. Despite the aging population and the growing need for accessible housing, the U.S.

Washington: The Ideal Place to Grow Older

In the US, the majority of adults 65 and older want to stay in their own home and community as they age. Across the nation cities grapple with the needs of older adults. The nonprofit Milken Institute’s Best Cities for Successful Living report, found several cities to be ahead of the curve, Washington is an example, with the growth of villages that support ageing in the community.

Home to Stay: Creating Quality Supportive Housing for Aging Tenants

Very little is known about the homeless aging population, referred to as the “invisible population” and even less is known about those aging in place within supportive housing and older/elderly adults in institutions who, if provided with long-term supportive services, would be able to return to the community.

Creating a home for eldercare using the ‘Green House’ design concept

The institutional feel of the “nursing home” our parents/grandparents may have spent time in is no longer considered acceptable. The design for eldercare facilities must become increasingly compelling. The Green House is one promising concept.

Criteria for Defining Senior Cohousing

SAGE cohousing advocacy group in the US presents a list of criteria that ensures the integrity and authenticity of the senior cohousing model. McCamant & Durrett Architects provide the architectural and certification management of the projects.
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