United States of America
Worst Case Housing Needs - 2017 Report to Congress
The report finds that severe housing problems are on the rise. In 2015, 8.30 million households had worst case needs, up from 7.72 million in 2013. These households are defined as very low-income renters who do not receive government housing assistance and who paid more than one-half of their income for rent, lived in severely inadequate conditions, or both.
Co-living is perfect to house ageing populations
Co-living complexes aren't just for millennials – they could also be used to house the growing population of senior citizens.
It could be said that current housing options for older people, from retirement communities to nursing homes, are "storage devices" that create social segregation.
Designing an Ageless Social Community: Adapting a New Urbanist Social Core to Suit Baby Boomers in Later Life
Since 90% of older adults prefer aging in place, it is important that neighborhood design supports successful aging. Beyond basic needs, research indicates quality interaction is associated with positive health and wellbeing benefits, particularly for older adults. In this, design supporting social relationships plays an essential role.
Aging in Community: Inside the Senior Cohousing Movement
For seniors who want to age in a supportive community environment, cohousing is an exciting alternative to traditional options such as retirement homes and assisted living centres.
This article is a discussion about the current state of senior cohousing with Anne P. Glass, professor and gerontology program coordinator at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.
Multigenerational homes that fit just right
The number of Americans living in multigenerational households — defined, generally, as homes with more than one adult generation — rose to 56.8 million in 2012, or about 18.1 percent of the total population, from 46.6 million, or 15.5 percent of the population in 2007,
The homebuilding industry is responding quickly to this shifting demand by creating homes specifically intended for such famili
Innovative Public-Private Models to Enhance Aging in Place in the United States
With advanced age, people are more likely to confront challenges to their physical health, mental health, economic security, housing, and access to supports. These challenges threaten people’s ability to age in place, which is the preference of many older people.
Is This Sustainable Village The Future Of Retirement?
This article looks at Serenbe, a New Urbanist community outside Atlanta, Georgia. Since opening in 2004, it has grown to include two villages of about 500 residents. Praised by urban planners, architects, and sustainability proponent, construction of the third village aims to make Serenbe a great place to grow old. And maybe a model for a new kind of retirement communities.
Adopting the Lifelong Communities Initiative in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area
The older adult population in the US has been growing since 1950. The quality of life of older citizens may be reduced if adopted Lifelong Communities (LLC) initiative principles are executed poorly or not at all. The purpose of this case study was to describe and explore the experiences of local government officials in Atlanta, Georgia who have adopted LLC initiatives.
How to Prevent and End Homelessness Among Older Adults
Older adults are at greater risk of homelessness than at any time in recent history.The population is aging, and more adults are
aging into poverty. At the same time, housing is becoming more unaffordable and the costs of necessities like health care are rising, leaving older adults at risk of poverty and homelessness.
What would it take to make an age-friendly city?
The challenges of caring for older people are growing as we live longer. By 2050 an estimated 83.7 million people in the US will be over 65.
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