United States of America
Retirement Homes
Demand for retirement care in the US, including housing, is expected to grow at a fast pace in the coming decades. The probability of needing to rely on living assistance or even long-term full care rises sharply as people age.
Sustainable Design for the Elderly: Senior Housing Design Guidelines
There is a huge demand for elderly housing in the US. Buildings for senior living must be of a particular type. To meet the theory of sustainable design, it is necessary to evaluate the suitability of buildings for senior living. This research presents three case studies on well-designed senior housing, including a nursing home, a complex nursing community and a senior apartment.
Four Challenges to Aging in Place
Within 20 years, one in five Americans—almost 80 million people—will be older than 65 and, surveys indicate, they will want to remain in the current homes for as long as possible.
A Look At Sustainability In Senior Living
There is an increasing demand and expectation in the US for green retirement communities. There is the opportunity to create buildings and communities that intentionally promote health and wellness. The focus is on good design, improved indoor air quality and improving the overall environment of the building and facilities.
The Future of Renting Among Older Adults
Since 2005, the number of US renter households aged 50+ has increased dramatically, jumping from 10 to nearly 15 million, and accounting for more than half of all renter growth over the past decade. The baby boom cohort, now aged 50-69, is responsible for most of the increase in older renters. This cohort will continue to drive up the number of renters in their 70s and beyond.
A New Look at Getting Older: inspiring adults 55+ to support one another and the positive impact it has on housing and livelihood.
Senior cohousing communities like are being built across the U.S. The U.K., Europe, and Canada have also seen an upsurge in cohousing groups coming together, and other countries are not far behind. The concept originated in Denmark in the latter part of the 20th century as older adults began voicing their desire to live independently, in community.
Supporting People as They Age in Community: Housing
This article explores the ways in which Rhode Island can and is supporting its older residents to age in place in the community, particularly in relation to housing.
Aging in community can be a healthier, happier option for many seniors, but only if they have the right resources and support, starting with suitable housing.
Cohousing Communities: A New Age-in-Place Lifestyle
A generally-acknowledged definition of cohousing is an intentional community with privately-owned homes clustered around a shared outdoor and indoor space. This article looks at the development of cohousing models for seniors in the US.
Tiny houses: salvation for the homeless or a dead end?
Wooden cabins euphemistically referred to as tiny houses are increasingly viewed as a quick and cheap solution to homelessness and, with minimal public debate, they are mushrooming across the US.
The trend is most apparent in northern California and the Pacific north-west.
Introduction to special issue: aging in place
The concept of aging in place has been discussed as a phenomenon, goal, or process. Initially the focus was on “place” as dwelling and evolved to “relationships” in a community. Thus, aging in community or age-friendly community reflect an updated focus for researchers, policymakers, and service providers.
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