Age Specific Housing

Councils' help with affordable housing shows how local government can make a difference

Tasmania is in the grip of a rental housing affordability crisis. What do local governments do to help? Rural areas in particular lack rental options.

What would an age-friendly city look like?

As the world’s population grows older and more urban, cities must decide how to adapt. Ageing populations need to be part of the debate about urban development. New approaches are needed which link the advantages of living in cities with the needs and aspirations of older people themselves.

Australian Homelessness Monitor

Key findings Australia’s homelessness problem is getting worse: Homelessness in Australia is outpacing population growth. Rough sleeping levels are increasing. Severe overcrowding is the largest group. Older Australians increasingly experience homelessness. Indigenous Australians are overrepresented. There’s increased demand for homelessness specialist services. The main reasons for seeking assis

The Growing Senior Population in Japan's Metropolitan Areas: Challenges for Japan, Hints for the World

Across Japan, the population is rapidly aging. An increase is expected in the number of households with a senior living alone or with the head of the household being aged 65 or older. These groups are expected to rise from about 30% of all households in 2015 to about 35% in 2025.

Specialist housing for older people

This fact sheet is about housing designed or designated for older people. In most cases, this is people over the age of 55 or 60. Specialist housing for older people comes in many different forms, which can be grouped according to the level of support offered.

ALONE call for greater housing options for older people as the Land Development Agency is launched

ALONE, the charity that supports older people to age at home, has welcomed yesterday’s launch of the state-sponsored Land Development Agency (LDA), but is urging that housing options for older people are carefully considered. Following the announcement to create 150,000 new homes over the next 20 years and provide long-term stability in the housing market, ALONE is calling on the LDA to develop a

Housing America's Older Adults - 2018: A Supplement to the State of the Nation Report

More than half of US households are now headed by someone at least 50 years of age. These 65 million older households are highly diverse in their living situations, financial resources, health and functional abilities, and life stages, and thus require different types of housing to meet their needs and preferences.

Housing for older people

This UK inquiry has revealed that housing for older people is a complex topic covering the situation for people who ‘stay put’ as much as those who move and what they move to. There are a range of issues involved from home maintenance and adaptations to the role of housing in health and social care integration.

Housing Choices for Older People in Ireland - Time for Action

The goal of this report is to drive discussion and offer solutions which provide choice in housing for older people in Ireland.

Meeting the Housing Needs of Older Adults in Montgomery County

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, is a community offering high-quality services and amenities to people of all ages and at all stages of life. The County scores particularly high among older adults in terms of its health services, public safety, and parks and activities. However, only 50 percent of residents 55+ said that Montgomery County was a good place to retire.
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