Age Specific Housing

Creating a home for eldercare using the ‘Green House’ design concept

The institutional feel of the “nursing home” our parents/grandparents may have spent time in is no longer considered acceptable. The design for eldercare facilities must become increasingly compelling. The Green House is one promising concept.

Ageing in South Australia 2016

This report examines the attitudes, expectations and strategies of agencies working in aged care in South Australia in 2016.

A community hub approach to older people’s housing

This paper explores the potential of housing with care schemes to act as community hubs. The analysis highlights a range of benefits, barriers and facilitators.

Almshouses: their role in housing policy

Almshouses are charitable organisations, some of which are also Registered Social landlords.

Designing with Downsizers: The next generation of 'downsizer homes' for an active third age

This report responds to the growing number of 'third-agers' whose future housing aspirations are not being met by either specialist retirement developers or mass-market housing projects.

Sixty, female and all living under one roof (just don't call it a commune)

Looks at co-housing option models for older women in the UK that have been based on models working in the US, Canada, Denmark and The Netherlands.

Housing for an Aging Population

We use the American Housing Survey to examine the distribution and occupancy of homes that have, or could be modified to have, accessibility features that allow seniors to successfully remain in the community as they age. Despite the aging population and the growing need for accessible housing, the U.S.

Seniors downsizing on their own terms: Overcoming planning, legal and policy impediments to the creation of alternative retirement communities

It seems there are as many reasons for seniors making downsizing decisions as there are individual seniors. Some common themes have emerged however. First, despite the tacit encouragement of downsizing in Australia and elsewhere, most seniors resist moving in order to downsize.

Housing priorities of people with dementia: Security, continuity and support

This report aims to equip housing practitioners and policy-makers with new knowledge about the future housing and support needs of people with dementia.

The Future of Housing and the Built Environment in an Ageing Population

This document reflects the discussions in a UK Government Office for Science meeting held to gather the views of a sample of people with experience in the issues raised by the ageing population, specifically housing.
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