
Considering Housing Models for London’s Aging Population

In Canada, the population is aging. Currently, the cohort aged 65+is greater than those who are aged 0 to 14.

Home sweet home? The gap between housing supply and demand for an ageing population

Recent UK research has highlighted the very real crisis in housing. The dearth of available, affordable housing reflects a decline in investment from both the private and public sector.

Sheffield Older People’s Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy 2017-2021

This strategy sets out how we plan to meet the housing needs and aspirations of Sheffield’s increasingly diverse and growing older population.

A Home for Life? A Critical Perspective on Housing Choice for “Downsizers” in the UK

A range of policy, research and media commentary has highlighted the link between housing, health, and wellbeing in later life, with discourses around “ageing in place” and “downsizing” emerging as particularly dominant. This paper critiques current practices and discourses around the commissioning, design, and management of purpose-built retirement housing.

Housing for an Aging Population

We use the American Housing Survey to examine the distribution and occupancy of homes that have, or could be modified to have, accessibility features that allow seniors to successfully remain in the community as they age. Despite the aging population and the growing need for accessible housing, the U.S.

The Meaning of Home for Aging Women Living Alone in North Eastern Ontario

The experience and meaning of home for older, community dwelling women, was investigated. In the world of gerontology there is a paucity of knowledge about those in their eighth and ninth decade, and this becomes more pronounced among older women.

Alternative housing options for older New Zealanders: the case for a life-cycle study

This paper makes a case for the resource assessment of housing alternatives for an ageing population that could make better use of existing housing in New Zealand.

Aging in the 'Right' Place

Older US adults consistently report a desire to stay in their current homes as they age, which has given rise to the phrase “aging in place.” Indeed, an AARP survey in 2014 found that 88% of those 65 and older agreed that they would like to stay in their homes as long as possible. There are good reasons to stay in one's own home, but, there are also many reasons that it may not be the best o

Housing conditions of Ireland’s older population - Implications for physical and mental health

A vital component of successful ageing is functional independence and good quality of life. Good housing conditions are important to maintain good mental and physical health.

Washington: The Ideal Place to Grow Older

In the US, the majority of adults 65 and older want to stay in their own home and community as they age. Across the nation cities grapple with the needs of older adults. The nonprofit Milken Institute’s Best Cities for Successful Living report, found several cities to be ahead of the curve, Washington is an example, with the growth of villages that support ageing in the community.
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