
Housing Options for Our Ageing Population – Policy Statement

This article discusses the Irish Government's 2019 Joint Policy Statement “Housing Options for our Ageing Population". The Statement reaffirms the strong Government commitment to policies that support older people to live in their own homes and communities with dignity and independence for as long as possible. The Statement plans to make an invaluable contribution in helping to meet th

Housing America's Older Adults 2019

Within the US, the 65+ age group, most recent income gains have gone to the highest earners, and the number of households with housing cost burdens has reached an all-time high.

Elderly care systems around the world

With quality of life improving and medical care advancing across the globe, the human population is ageing. This is an investigation into how elderly care systems differ on a country-by-country basis, with some more reliant on state support than others.

Ageing in a Gentrifying Neighbourhood: Experiences of Community Change in Later Life

Debates about gentrification continue to occupy a significant part of research investigating social change within urban communities.

Barriers to Aging in Community

A“livable community” is one that has affordable and appropriate housing, supportive community features and services, and adequate mobility options, which together facilitate personal independence and the engagement of residents in civic and social life.

Housing Options for Our Ageing Population

Irish people are living longer and healthier lives, which presents both challenges and opportunities for the Government, particularly in the spheres of housing and health. This Policy Statement is an important step in this Government’s response to those challenges.

Dignity and choice: An inclusive future for our ageing population

Around the world, advanced economies are grappling with the challenges of an ageing population. Despite this, city shaping decisions are often made without sufficient consideration of how cities will change over the coming decades.

The APPROPRIATE (Accommodation Provision for People of Retirement Age or Older, Predicated on Research and Investigation using Approved Techniques and Evidence) and RIGHTSIZING Study

This report presents the findings of a study for the Gwent Health, Social Care and Housing Partnership which researches the aspirations for appropriate housing solutions for older people in Gwent, which would enable them to live happily, healthily, safely and independently in later life. The report also describes the reasons why older people do not want to move to appropriate housing in later lif

The Inequality of Aging in Place

Research shows that most people prefer to age in place—remaining at home, near family, and in their community as they get older. But not all places are equal, and harmful neighborhood conditions can lead to poorer health outcomes and reduced life expectancy.

Housing design, adaptations and support (England)

New and existing homes in the UK need to be adaptable to the changing needs of an ageing population to promote both independence and self-determination. Poor and inaccessible housing has profound implications for our ageing population. There were 13.3 million disabled people in the UK in 2015/16, with 44 per cent over state pension age.
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